We are looking for a Business Analyst who loves payslips!

Visma Spcs AB / Datajobb / Växjö
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Visa alla datajobb i Växjö, Alvesta, Uppvidinge, Lessebo, Hylte eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Visma Spcs AB i Växjö, Markaryd, Gislaved, Lund, Malmö eller i hela Sverige

Visma gör verksamheter mer effektiva, genom att leverera programvara, inköpslösningar, inkassotjänster, butiksdatalösningar samt IT-relaterad utveckling och konsultverksamhet. Visma förenklar och automatiserar verksamhetsprocesser inom både privat och offentlig sektor. 800 000 nordeuropeiska kunder använder idag Vismas produkter och tjänster. Koncernen har ca 8 500 anställda och hade 2017 en omsättning på 9 146 miljoner norska kronor.

Läs mer om vårt Privacy Statement här: https://www.visma.com/privacy/.

Are you an ambitious and motivated person with a passion for developing product with a great user experience? Visma eAccounting needs more superheroes to join our team in Växjö. Now we are looking for a skilled and self-driven Business Analyst to our new sub-team focusing of payroll process. Our service Visma eAccounting is a cloud accounting system for small companies & accounting firms in the Nordics and Netherlands.

In your role as Business Analyst you will together with the team solve problems for our customers and create amazing solutions. You will analyze requirements, create mockups/concepts and verify that we are delivering high quality. You will work close with developers, UX designers, product owners, stakeholders and customers.

In our team in Växjö you will work in a creative environment with the latest technology together with really great co-workers. We are doing Continuous delivery and Devops and we are running Visma eAccounting on Microsoft Azure. In our team you will have the possibility to learn and grow with the support from your co-workers. Once a month we run "My Competence Day" to ensure that there are possibilities for everyone to learn and try out new things.

Who are you?
You are a service oriented and self driven superhero!

In addition, you are:

interested in the collaboration and possibilities with technology, business opportunities and usability

experienced in working with requirements and/or quality assurance

a creative problem solver that understand customer needs

used to working with deadlines and in close cooperation with customers and internal stakeholders from other departments

Of course, you have good spoken and written language skills in English and Swedish!

If you have knowledge or have experience in the payroll domain in Sweden or Norway we see that as added value for this position.

At Visma Spcs our employees are our most important resources and we have very good conditions and a positive and entrepreneurial culture. We offer good possibilities to healthcare and exercise. We strongly believe that happy employees will give us satisfied and happy customers! Looking forward to hear from
We will start screening and interviews continually. Please apply for this position before 20.th of October 2017

If you have any questions about this positions please contact sanna.lindkvist@visma.com

Varaktighet, arbetstid
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Enligt ök

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2018-10-20
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Sanna Lindkvist +46 0470-706000, 0709-747 760

Visma Spcs AB

Visma Spcs AB
Sambandsvägen 5
35194 Växjö

Sambandsvägen 5


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