UX/UI Designer

Load Impact AB / Datajobb / Stockholm
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We are looking for a user experience designer with strong interests and capabilities in the design and development of engaging user experiences.

The ideal candidate will thrive in a work environment that requires strong problem solving skills and independent self-direction, coupled with an aptitude for team collaboration and open communication. This individual excels at providing both highly analytical as well as highly creative ideas to a design engagement.

You will be involved in the development and design of our single page app based on the React framework. You have a passion for usability and user focused products and have experience building complex and detailed user interfaces.

We are a small distributed team and value team players with good communication skills. We have an agile way of working where collaboration, feedback and trust are important pillars.

At Load Impact English is the default language. Today our team includes people from Bulgaria, Croatia, Iran, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine and the US.


Primarily concerned with feel of the product. But together with our visual designer you are also concerned with how the product is laid out.
Ensure that the product logically flows from one step to the next
Conduct in-person user tests and interviews to observe and understand one's behavior
Conduct A/B tests to tease out which design option best satisfies user needs
Study detailed analytics to learn more about users and how they use the product
Define interaction models, user task flows, and UI specifications.
Communicate scenarios, end-to-end experiences, interaction models, and screen designs to stakeholders.
Work with our graphic designer to incorporate the visual identity of Load Impact/k6 into features.


Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2020-06-20

Load Impact AB
Götgatan 14
11846 Stockholm

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Load Impact AB (org.nr 556560-4773), https://k6.io/
Götgatan 14 (visa karta)

E-post: robin@loadimpact.com


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