Thesis - Development of refrigerant detection sampling device for

Siemens Energy AB / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Finspång
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Thesis: Development of refrigerant detection sampling device for real-life heat pump application.

Let's talk about you and the assignment

Siemens Energy in Finspång deliver industrial scale heat pump solutions to customers that strive for a more climate friendly heat production. The heat pumps are foremost used for heat production in district heating systems but can be used also in other applications.

A key element of the heat pump system is the heat exchangers that act as condensers and evaporators for the refrigerant that is circulated in the system. The heat exchangers are normally operated with water at one side and refrigerant on the other side of the tubing. The refrigerant used in our modern heat pumps is of an environmentally friendly nature but should not leak out from the closed loop system. The design of the heat exchangers ensures to the greatest extent that refrigerant do not leak to any of the connecting water systems and onward to the surrounding environment. But still there will always be a small risk that a leakage could occur causing, if not environmental impacts, lost refrigerant hence cost for the operator of the heat pump. For this reason, it can be considered vital to install a refrigerant detection system that monitors if any leakage occurs during operation.

The water flows through the heat exchangers can be massive and difficult to monitor for refrigerant content which calls for a sampling device and system rather than monitoring the complete flow. Collecting a representative flow will be crucial to the accuracy of the detection system and this thesis is subject to develop high quality sampling that ensures the detection functionality.

The thesis will include theoretical analysis of:
* Gas behaviour in water flow.
* Water flow theory.
* Water flow impact on an object inserted into the flow.

The thesis will in practice also include:
* Material choice.
* Detailed design, possibly by laboratory experimenting.
* Material strength analysis.
* Production.
* If time admits - Laboratory testing.
* If time admits - Installation and commissioning as part of the overall detection system.

Your profile

* Mechanical engineer with knowledge within areas of fluid flow and/or aerodynamics is beneficial.
* Self-going having an ability to take own initiatives.
* Social skills to be able to network and discuss technical issues with Siemens Energy senior engineers.

Your opportunities for personal growth:
* Participate in a project that develops a new product that is to be installed in a real-life application.
* Ensure product functionalities by theoretical analysis mixed with testing and experimenting.
* Learn and understand Siemens Energy development processes.
* Gain excellent chances to become a future employee at Siemens Energy working with future heating products for a more sustainable energy landscape.

Let's talk about us

Through our Generation division, we enhance and innovate conventional and renewable power supply. Currently, we're reducing carbon emissions of existing assets and developing technologies that transform power generation applications.

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At Siemens Energy, we are more than just an energy technology company. We meet the growing energy demand across 90+ countries while ensuring our climate is protected. With more than 92,000 dedicated employees, we not only generate electricity for over 16% of the global community, but we're also using our technology to help protect people and the environment.

Our global team is committed to making sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy a reality by pushing the boundaries of what is possible. We uphold a 150-year legacy of innovation that encourages our search for people who will support our focus on decarbonization, new technologies, and energy transformation.

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Siemens Energy AB

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Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "237035".

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Siemens Energy AB ( 556606-6048)

Siemens Energy


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