Sourcing Specialist (Temporary position)

GE Healthcare Uppsala / Inköpar- och marknadsjobb / Uppsala
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Role Summary/Purpose
This Sourcing Leader will report directly to the GE Healthcare Life Sciences Global Indirect Sourcing Manaager based at the same GE Healthcare site and will be in a close touch with the rest of the Indirect Sourcing team (5 Sourcing leaders in Sweden, more than 35 Sourcing Leaders in EMEA region) and the other Process leaders. Mission : Responsible for Indirect Sourcing Projects within our European Indirect Sourcing Team to drive 3 indirect Sourcing Commodities.
Essential Responsibilities
In a Pan European and Global environment (European mainly), this job will have to cover the following tasks:
Benchmark and supplier selection process (preparation, launching and management of the tender processes, e procurement tool management like e auction platform, supplier contract negotiation and implementation) in order to achieve Indirect Sourcing objectives in terms of productivity, quality, lead-time and sustainability of our supply base
Drive price & contract negotiations with supplier
Drive cash terms improvements & increase preferred suppliers consolidations within the commodity.
Put in place Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and local & European reports
Put in place control and cost optimizations processes
Involvement in Sourcing projects and global processes roll out plans (a lot of connections with the European Commodity leaders & US Global sourcing Leaders)
Involvement and close collaboration with GE Corporate Sourcing Team in EMEA region
Involvement in many diverse tasks related to a Sourcing Department
Sourcing Leader replacement during a maternity leave (>12 months) this job will also be a good way for the Global indirect Sourcing Manager based in Sweden to assess the person capabilities to be a strong Sourcing professional.
Focus on critical projects related to MARCOM & Telecom. T&L is less strategic but still represent huge volumes in Sweden for the Life Sciences business and other GE Healthcare businesses based also in Sweden.
This Sourcing leader candidate will have to work in a very close mode with Finance, Marketing, IT, Legal, Sales, Service, HR & Productivity Departments.
This Sourcing Leader will report directly to the GE Healthcare Life Sciences Global Indirect Sourcing Manager based at the same GE Healthcare site and will be in a close touch with the rest of the Indirect Sourcing team (5 Sourcing leaders in Sweden, more than 35 Sourcing Leaders in EMEA region) and the other Process leaders.
Strong Sourcing background or Sourcing education with a first relevant Sourcing experience
Fluent in Swedish & English
1st significant experience in Indirect Sourcing (Long internship; Min ~ 12 months) in an international company
Desired Characteristics
Expertise in Marketing & Communication, or IT & Telecom (Indirect Sourcing Commodities)
Education: Engineer or Commercial background
1st experience in an International company
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to build a career in Sourcing within a big International group. You are result oriented (Cost savings, Payment terms improvements, lead-time, Quality, process oriented ?) driven and able to handle several complex tasks, situations and activities simultaneously


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre

Fast lön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2011-07-19
Please apply by visiting (req ID: 1381747)
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 1381747
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

Anna Östlund, Rekryteringskonsult, 076-138 91 47, 076-138 91 47 (Mobiltelefon), 08-612 01 09 (Kontorstelefon),
Cecil Robichon, Hiring Manager, 018-6120999,

GE Healthcare Uppsala

GE Healthcare Uppsala
Box 605

Björkgatan 30

Telefonnummer: 018-6120000


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