Senior Supply Planner – Astra Zeneca

Proffice Sverige AB / Logistikjobb / Södertälje
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Visa alla jobb hos Proffice Sverige AB i Södertälje, Salem, Ekerö, Nykvarn, Botkyrka eller i hela Sverige

Senior Supply Planner - Astra Zeneca
Proffice is looking for an driven och coordinating consultant for an assignment at Astra Zeneca. In the position you will work in the function "Global Operations" at the department "Global External Sourcing (GES). You will belong to GES Planning team.

Global External Sourcing (GES) is accountable for sourcing and supply of externally manufactured products into the AstraZeneca network. We are organised in a Process Centric Organisation (PCO) with two main processes; Supply to Customer and Establish New Supply to Customer, with a high focus on cross-functional team work.

As Senior Supply Planner you will be an active member of in particular the Supply to Customer process, with daily interactions with suppliers and other roles within GES.

The â'Senior Supply planning' role within GES incorporates the conventional activities associated with end-to-end operational and tactical planning with a specific skill and behaviour set associated with working with suppliers. The suppliers are contract manufacturers of Raw Materials, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) and Formulated and Packed (F&P) products, located across a number of different countries.

The role holder will have the operational and tactical responsibility for supply from one or more suppliers and has authority to make operational and tactical decisions with suppliers to ensure the timely supply of product whilst maximising efficiencies for the business. The Senior Supply Planner will provide expert planning support to a specific supply chain or portfolio of supply chains. The role has end-to-end supply execution and tactical planning responsibilities, providing the necessary planning support and advice to enable the Supply Chain Leads to deliver according to Product Supply Plans.

Included in the role is also active work with Practical Problem Solving and Continuous Improvements in cross-functional teams, both as team member and as team leader as appropriate.

The work is executed in a global environment, with strong focus on cross-functional collaboration with other roles such as Supply Chain Leads, QA, Tactical Planners, Supply Planners, Customer Liaison Partners, Packaging Coordinators and Supplier Relationship Managers.

Tasks include (but are not limited to):

• Plan supply of products in alignment with our customer's demand and agreed stock levels, following the process for the agreed supply method (VMI/CMI), ensuring stock levels are in line with RBU
• Raising purchase orders to suppliers in line with contractual requirements and receipting stock on delivery from suppliers
• Act as the primary point of contact with suppliers regarding AZ demand, suppliers capacity and short to medium term plan delivery.
• Represent the supplier/product in the relevant PCO control room to ensure issue escalation and resolution without impact to supply.
• Responsible for the accurate maintenance of systems master data for products within a given portfolio.
• Responsible for accurately measuring and reporting key performance indicators.
• To create the necessary information to guide the tactical and strategic decision-making relating to GES Supply Chain Management.
• To work closely with Supply Chain Leads and suppliers to understand the range, likelihood and implications of medium to long term supply scenarios.
• To support the projects and initiatives aligned to GES supply chains and suppliers.
• To provide data and guidance to support product supply chain planning, supply risk management, medium term resource planning and product costing/budgeting. To take a leadership role in assessing and communicating the financial and capability impact of demand changes.
• Produce inventory RBU /ABU for GES as well as producing the inventory phasing budget.

Minimum experience

Education requirements: A degree or equivalent in Business, Logistics, Sciences or Engineering is preferred, equivalent experience will be taken into account.

Significant Supply Planning experience, including understanding of different supply methods (IRL, VMI/CMI, Flow, Kanban) and supply chain planning parameters, master data and master data integrity & quality

Advanced supply chain (capacity and inventory) planning skills.

Uppdragsgivare: Proffice Sverige

Ort: Södertälje

Omfattning: Heltid

Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-02-28

För information: Therese Carlsson, [ mailto: ]

En människa arbetar i snitt cirka 10 000 dagar under sitt yrkesverksamma liv. På Proffice tycker vi att alla dagar är lika viktiga. Vi är en modern arbetsplats med flera hundra olika yrken. Hos oss finns det många vägar att gå. För oss är det viktigt att all kompetens på arbetsmarknaden tillvaratas. Vi välkomnar alla sökande och eftersträvar mångfald.

På Proffice är du en del av något större där du kan bidra till utveckling både hos våra kunder och i samhället. Du har samma fördelar som hos en traditionell arbetsgivare med kollektivavtal och förmåner som friskvårdsbidrag, företagshälsovård, försäkringar och rabatt på träningskort - utöver allt detta dessutom fler möjligheter att forma din karriär så som du vill.

Keep improving.


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Heltid Visstid

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-02-28
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 200673680
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Therése Carlsson

Proffice Sverige AB

Proffice Sverige AB
Lunagallerian 1

Lunagallerian 1, 15172 SÖDERTÄLJE


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