Senior lecturer in prokaryotic microbiology

Göteborgs universitet / Kemiingenjörsjobb / Göteborg
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The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 53 500 students and 6 500 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 49.000 students and 6.400 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programs attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

In the present announcement, we are searching for candidates with expertise and good scientific credentials in prokaryotic microbiology directed towards genetics, cellular or molecular biology for a permanent position as Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor). The position is accompanied with a starter package including funding for group members as postdoctoral associate and/or PhD student as well as support for expenditures. The successful candidate will be given the possibility to develop their full potential as a leading independent scientist in a flourishing academic environment.

The position is located at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology (CMB; at the Faculty of Science. CMB conducts research and education of highest quality in three main fields: biomolecular sciences, environmental sciences, and fundamental chemical sciences. Research at the department is strongly focused on basic science and covers a wide scientific spectrum from the atomic and molecular levels all the way through cells to intact organisms. Much of the phenomena studied illustrate the chemical and biological interplay between molecules in our natural environment as well as in living systems. The department comprises about 40 academic staff and 85 postgraduate/PhD students. CMB is responsible for the undergraduate programs in molecular biology, genomics and systems biology, chemistry, organic- and medicinal chemistry, as well as the bachelor program in pharmacy.

The position as senior lecturer in prokaryotic microbiology, advertised here, will contribute to the long-term strengthening of the existing activities within the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology ( The division of Molecular and Cellular Biology studies molecules and cells in order to improve human health and the environment. Our research groups have many fruitful interdisciplinary interactions with chemists, bioinformaticians, clinicians and biomedical companies and are at the heart of life sciences at the University of Gothenburg. Our researchers combine genetic and molecular tools, such as genetic engineering and screening, with computational approaches to understand yeast, bacterial, worm, mouse and human cells.

The University of Gothenburg is mobilizing in the area of life sciences and a modern building for research and education is planned to be completed by the year 2023. The building will bring together several departments at the Faculty of Science and will be located in direct connection to the medical faculty Sahlgrenska Academy and the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. In the immediate vicinity are also the Core facilities ( that gather important infrastructure and the Swedish NMR center ( CMB has extensive collaborations with AstraZencea R&D in Mölndal. Many of the researchers at the department are also members of the center for antibiotics resistance research (CARe;, which promotes cross-disciplinary research in antibiotics resistance.

Like most Scandinavian countries, Sweden provides a high quality of life with generous vacation leave and national health care. Like all employers in Sweden, we offer 480 days of parental leave, free to take by the mother and/or the father anytime until the child is 12 years old. Families in Sweden are guaranteed day care positions within 4 months of registering and education is free. The university is located within Gothenburg, Sweden's second largest city, with an outstanding public transportation system, lively international culture and closeness to the sea and nature.

For further information and the announcement

In connection to this recruitment, we have already decided which recruitment channels we should use. We therefore decline further contact with vendors, recruitment and staffing companies.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-06-06
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Göteborgs Universitet

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Göteborgs Universitet ( 202100-3153),

Göteborgs universitet


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