Senior Lecturer in health science statistics

Göteborgs universitet / Högskolejobb / Göteborg
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Senior Lecturer in health science statistics, 1-2 positions
Ref PAR 2021/1731
The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 53 500 students and 6 500 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.
Welcome to the Institute of Medicine. We conduct interdisciplinary research and education that spans from molecule to society, in close collaboration with healthcare providers in Region Västra Götaland. The Institute of Medicine comprises four departments, including The School of Public Health and Community Medicine, which includes health science statistics within the framework of the biostatistics research group. Biostatistics faculty are involved in teaching and research at the department and in other areas within Sahlgrenska Academy and the University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Region Västra Götaland.
Research and education at The School of Public Health and Community Medicine spans global public health, general medicine, occupational medicine, environmental medicine, social medicine, insurance medicine, registry epidemiology, health economics, drug use and drug policy. The biostatistics group contributes to each of these areas and also leads its own research projects. The group is also responsible for a number of courses in both undergraduate and postgraduate education.
The biostatistics research group has been steadily expanding for several years, and we are now looking for another senior lecturer to strengthen our team.
Subject area
Health science statistics
Subject area description
Health science statistics deals with the application of statistics to issues within the health science fields. The focus is thus on applied statistical methods that can be used to answer research questions in the health sciences, such as medicine, public health, global health, physiotherapy and care science. The subject comprises diverse areas of statistics, including survival analysis, statistical analysis of randomized clinical trials, causal inference in observational studies, multivariate methods and methods for missing data, among others.
Job assignments
Job assignments include teaching and course management in health science statistics within one or more of Sahlgrenska Academy's programs. Supervising students and other teaching can also be included.
Duties include independently leading and conducting research within research projects and in collaboration with other clinical research groups at the Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Region Västra Götaland. The candidate is expected to actively seek external funding as a primary investigator and in collaboration with other groups to establish and support their own research group.
Additional duties may also include statistical consultation within Akademistatistik, which provides statistical assistance for research groups at Sahlgrenska Academy and Region Västra Götaland.
This position also includes administration related to teaching, research and statistical consultation.
Teaching is primarily in English, but some teaching in Swedish may be included. Applicants who are not Swedish-speaking are expected to be able to teach in Swedish within two years of starting employment.
Eligibility for employment as a teacher is stated in Chapter 4, Section 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance and the University of Gothenburg's employment regulations.
Applicants must have a doctoral degree in statistics, mathematical statistics, biostatistics or other subject that the employer finds equivalent and demonstrated pedagogical skills. The ability to teach in English is also required.
Assessment criteria for employment as a teacher are stated in Chapter 4, Section 3 of the Higher Education Ordinance and the University of Gothenburg's employment regulations.
The primary assessment criteria are pedagogical and scientific competence, which are weighted equally, followed by competence in statistical consultation within medical research.
When assessing pedagogical competence, emphasis will be placed on experience and competence in teaching health sciences statistics to students in the medical field who have no prior knowledge of statistics. Documented pedagogical education and competence in course leadership, supervision and pedagogical development will be of particular merit.
When assessing scientific competence, emphasis will be placed on publications in leading international journals relevant to applied statistics, and to the quality of the applicant's proposed research program and its relevance to the subject area. Greater weight will be given to the quality and impact of the publications rather than the total number. A clear progression of skill, with a focus on scientific merit from the last 10 years, will be given the greatest weight. The ability to obtain external research grants in national and international competition is an advantage.
When assessing statistical consultation competence, emphasis will be placed on documented experience and competence in statistical consultation within applied research. Additional emphasis will be placed on experience and the ability to lead and develop statistical consultation.
Administrative experience and the ability to collaborate and work as a member of a team are also advantageous.
Applicants who do not have advanced education in pedagogy from the University of Gothenburg must complete this education (or validate the equivalent education received from another higher education institution) within one year of starting employment.
See more info on the University of Gothenburgs homepage job opportunities.


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Göteborgs Universitet
Medicinaregatan 16 A
40530 Göteborg

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "PAR 2021/1731".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Göteborgs Universitet ( 202100-3153),
Medicinaregatan 16 A (visa karta)
405 30  GÖTEBORG

Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet

Head of Institute of Medicine
Jan Borén
+46 733764264


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