Senior lecturer in business administration, with a focus on mark

Högskolan i Halmstad / Högskolejobb / Halmstad
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We are looking for 1-2 Senior lecturer/s in business administration, with a focus on marketing.

Welcome to be a part of an inspiring and modern environment at Halmstad University!

Halmstad University

Halmstad University adds value, drives innovation and prepares people and society for the future. Since the beginning in 1983, the University has been characterised as forward-thinking and cross-border. Today, the University has around 600 employees and 12,000 students. The range of education is wide and the research is internationally renowned. Halmstad University actively participates in social development through collaboration with both industry and the public sector.

The School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability

Halmstad university consists of four interdisciplinary schools. The current position is located at the School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (FIH). Here you get to work in a research and educational environment with a focus on sustainable development and entrepreneurship. The school trains future economists, engineers, environmental scientists and biologists.

The school has approximately 120 employees and consists of five departments: the Department of Biomechanics and Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Construction and Energy Engineering, the Department of Business Studies, the Department of Environmental and Biosciences and the Department of Innovation Management. FIH offers education at the undergraduate and advanced level, as well as doctoral education in the field of Innovation Sciences. The research is multidisciplinary and often takes place in co-production with other actors.

Job description

Work tasks include teaching, supervision and examination at undergraduate and advanced levels in marketing. Teaching can be conducted in Swedish and English. Research and administrative assignments are also included in the work tasks. The work encompasses following the development within the own subject area and the societal development in general that is important for carrying out the work. As a senior lecturer, you will conduct research and contribute to applying for external research grants, publish results in scientific journals, and participate in and develop constructive collaborations both at Halmstad University and together with regional, national and international partners.


Eligible for employment as senior lecturer is someone who has completed a doctoral degree in business administration with a focus on marketing or with equivalent scientific competence (for example via a doctoral degree in a related subject area or foreign degree), who has completed pedagogical training for higher education, and can show pedagogic skills. For employment as a senior lecturer, basic eligibility requirements are required in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance (HF Chapter 4, Section 4).

In addition, Halmstad University requires that senior lecturers have undergone higher education pedagogical training or have otherwise acquired corresponding knowledge. In cases where someone does not meet these requirements, the competence must be acquired within two years from the beginning of the employment.

Assessment criteria

"The degree of such skill that is a requirement for eligibility for employment shall apply as assessment criteria for employment. The examination of the pedagogical skill shall be given as much care as the examination of other qualifying conditions according to the first paragraph. Each university otherwise decides for itself which assessment criteria are to be applied when hiring a senior lecturer." (HF Chapter 4, Section 4)

When appointing the position, equal attention will be given to scientific and pedagogical skills. Great emphasis will be placed on merits within the subject area specified by the focus of the employment. Research and teaching competence in marketing is particularly valued.

In addition to scientific and pedagogical skills, Halmstad University has decided on the following assessment criteria for the position as senior lecturer:

- Ability to cooperate
- Leadership and administrative skills
- Ability to interact with surrounding society

It is advantageous if the applicant has broad knowledge of the marketing field and experience and ability to integrate research, teaching and collaboration with the surrounding society. It is also advantageous with an ability to teach in both Swedish and English.

A qualitative overall assessment of competences and skills will be made in order to employ the applicants who are judged to have the best opportunities to carry out the tasks and contribute to a positive development of the organisation.


The application must consist of the following (attached as pdf files):

- A declaration of intent about which goals and visions the applicant intends to fulfil through the employment.
- A curriculum vitae (CV), including references, with supporting documents and certificates.
- A complete list of publications.
- A maximum of eight (8) publications in full

Separate descriptions of the following:

a) Scientific skills must be documented and include scientific background, scientific production, national and international research contacts.

b) Pedagogical skills must be documented and include pedagogical background, the applicant's basic pedagogical view, how the applicant works with own and students' learning and contributions to pedagogical development etc.

c) The ability to cooperate, leadership and administrative skills must be well documented through certificates and/or assessments. These can also be supplemented by indicating references.

d) The ability to cooperate, and skills in leadership and administration, must be well documented through certificates and/or assessments. These can also be supported by referring to references.

General Information

We value the qualities that gender balance and diversity bring to our organization. We therefor welcome applicants with different backgrounds, gender, functionality and, not least, life experience.

We kindly decline all sales and marketing contacts.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100%. Tillträde: Enligt överenskommelse Tillsvidareanställning



Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-12-03
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Högskolan i Halmstad

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "2021/95".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Högskolan i Halmstad ( 202100-3203)

Halmstad University, School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability

Prof. Svante Andersson


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