
Permascand AB / Kemiingenjörsjobb / Ånge
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Visa alla jobb hos Permascand AB i Ånge, Sundsvall eller i hela Sverige

Two researchers to Permascand
Permascand AB is one of the leading producers of electrodes for electrochemical process industries. The functionality of our electrodes is based on electrocatalytic caoting of complex metal oxides. Applications include water electrolysis, eletrowinning, corrosion protection as well as chlorate and chlorine production. The company has about 145 employees and is located in Ljungaverk, close to the geographical center of Sweden. Permascand AB is a subsidiary of Eka Chemicals and a business unit within the AkzoNobel organisation.
Within the Marie Cure Network Training Program ELCAT (Surface Electrochemical Reactivity in Electrocatalysis: A combined Theoretical and Experimental Approach) we are now offering two one-years positions within our Research and Development function, one Early Stage Researcher and one Experienced Researcher. The research is aimed at increased understanding of electrode materials and their function in real electrochemical processes. Specific research projects will be formed in agreement to fit the profile and interests of the individuals. Qualified supervision is available in-house and througt the Training Network. More information about the Network is found at
Job description
• Research in matrials science, surface science and/or electrochemistry in collaboration with scientists at the company and in the Network.
• Oral and written presentation of results and gained experience within the company and the Network.
• Participation in meetings and courses in the ELCAT Network program.
Job requirements / Candidate profile
• Both positions:
Being a non-Swedish citizen, not having resided, worked or studied in Sweden for more than 12 months the last 3 years.
Fluent in English, written and spoken.
Having good ability to work within a team as well as by oneself.
• Experienced Researcher (ER):
A PhD degree in relevant discipline or at least four years (fulltime equivalent) of research experience after obtaining MSc degree.
An MSc degree (or eguivalent) in relevant discipline not older than four years at the day off appointment.
Ability to independently pursue scientific research.
• Early-Stage Researcher (ESR):
An MSc degree (or equivalent) in relevant discipline not older than four years at the day of appointment.
Welcome to submit your application, including personal letter, CV, publication list (for the ER position) and brief (1-2 pages) presentation of scientific specialities by e-mail with subject "ELCAT ESR" or "ELCAT ER" to: no later than Nov 1, 2010.
If you have questions, contact project leader Dr. Susanne Holmin at , phone: + 46 (0)691 35517


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Reserch employment 1 year

Efter överenskommelse

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Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-10-15
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Facklig kontakt
Åke Säterberg SALF,Sture Nordh SIF.
Metall Dan Eriksson 060-174313,070-070-6471531

Permascand AB

Permascand AB
Box 42

Telefonnummer: 0691-35500
Faxnummer: 0691-33040


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