Researcher: French

Opticom International Research AB / Butikssäljarjobb / Stockholm
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Do you have a genuine interest for marketing and market research and would like to communicate with professionals worldwide and help us to convey their message to our clients?

Would you like to have an additional income and combine an interesting job and learning experience with an excellent job opportunity?

Then the world of Opticom International Research is the answer you are looking for!

We are now looking for persons with fluency in French.
The work consists of conducting telephone interviews with key persons in companies abroad. We work on project basis. Project will start the 22/4.

Our most efficient interviewers have developed their skills and as a next step conducted face-to-face interviews on location in several countries around Europe and some have advanced to become production supervisors in our fixed staff.

In addition to excellent language and social skills, we want our applicants to have at least initiated academic studies. The work implies communicative and receptive skills as well as accuracy, as it consists of confidential consulting assignments.

So if you are up to business challenges and worldwide communication and would like to get work experience in this field and a possibility to travel, please e-mail your application and CV to: Attention! Application and inquiries only through e-mail!


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 11 dagar - 3 månader
Project specific, 4-5 weeks (25 hours a week) maybe longer

Fast lön
Paid by the hour

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2013-04-20
Send your application as soon as possible we will proceed right away with the right candidate!
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 2013-German
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Anette Eng, HRM

Opticom International Research AB

Opticom International Research AB

Grev Turegatan 30

Övriga kontaktuppgifter


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