Project coordinator

Uppsala Monitoring Centre / Organisationsutvecklarjobb / Uppsala
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Medicine Safety
needed to work at the Uppsala Monitoring Centre
Join a high-level international team in developing patient safety methodology for the future.
The Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is co-ordinating a consortium of 11 international
partners in Europe, Asia and Africa, (including WHO), charged with the task of developing
new approaches to the collection, analysis and dissemination of information regarding the
safety of medicines. The 3 year project, called Monitoring Medicines, is supported
financially by the European Commission (EC) as part of its 7th Framework programme
(FP-7 - Health - 2007). In addition, the UMC is also actively involved in the FP-7 funded
project PROTECT running for five years with the aim of developing improved methods
for pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance. In PROTECT, the UMC serves as a
member of the steering committee and as co-leader for one of its seven work packages.
The Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is looking to recruit an experienced and selfstarting
project coordinator who, instructed by the project management team, will ensure
adherence to project plans, timelines and reporting obligations. The Monitoring Medicines
project has 14 work packages which include development of tools for direct patient
reporting, medication error analysis, active surveillance of treated patients and tools for
knowledge sharing and management of treatment-related adverse events in HIV/AIDS
patients. In PROTECT, the work-package lead by the UMC involves a large number of
public and private partners working together to develop methods for improved safety
signal detection and analysis.
We are looking for someone who will
Actively communicate with consortium partners and EC to ensure that progress is
made according to the accepted project plan, and to flag any significant deviations from
this project plan to the project management team
Keep continuous records of project progress, achievements and potential risks
Organize and participate in project and consortium meetings as necessary to achieve
identified goals
Write and distribute minutes from meetings and follow-up decisions
Ensure that substantive and financial reports and other project deliverables are
produced on time
Document project achievements for publication on the designated project web site.
Identify and suggest necessary changes of project plans as warranted by changes in the
pharmacovigilance environment
Ensure that instructions for recipients of FP-7 grants are adhered to
Experience / qualifications required
Experience and documented skills in project management. Previous experience with
projects funded by the European Commission will be an advantage.
Basic degree in healthcare sciences
Good social and communication skills in a multi-cultural environment
Ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
Proficiency in use of project management IT support tools
Excellent writing and oral communication skills in English.
The post will be based at the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug
Monitoring (Uppsala Monitoring Centre), Uppsala, Sweden. You will report to the
Manager, External Affairs, and work closely with several teams at the Centre.
This position exists from September 2009 to March 2013.
Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Read more about the UMC on our homepage:


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
This position exists from September 2009 to March 2013.

Fast lön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-01-25
Please send your CV with a covering letter in English, to , stating
'Medicine Safety Coordinator' in the Subject box.
Questions regarding this position will be answered by Sten Olsson, Chief WHO
Programme Officer (telephone +46 18 656060, e-mail: ).
Closing date is 18.00, 25 January 2010.

Sten Olsson, +46 18 656060,

Uppsala Monitoring Centre

Uppsala Monitoring Centre
Box 1051

Telefonnummer: 018-656060
Faxnummer: 018-656080


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