Power Electronic Scientist

ABB Corporate Research AB / Elektronikjobb / Västerås
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Power Electronic Scientist
ABB Corporate Research is developing the foundations for the next generation of ABB products and system. At the Scandinavian Center we are 220 highly educated engineers with worldwide responsibility for research and technology development in the ABB group for several areas within power and automation. In the Power Systems and Apparatus group we are working with corporate R&D in the field of power system.
You should develop the next generation of transmission and distribution of electrical energy and power with AC and DC equipment based on power electronic. Positions are available for candiates with a background in power electronic systems, topologies, modulation and control engineering.
You are expected to create and execute R&D projects in a cross
disciplinary and international environment. As a part of ABB Corporate Research you will work with dynamic, motivating and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence.
As a development engineer in our team we expect that you have a PhD in power electronics. You should have the ability to challenge existing design rules in power electronics to innovate our system and products. You should also have the ability to overview the economical, technical and environmental aspects of the equipment behaviour/characteristics operating within a power system.
We are looking for candidates that have competence in one or several of the following areas:
Power electronic
Component interaction
Converter topologies
System simulation
Control (linear non-linear, fuzzy control)
Semiconductor characterization and utilization
Modeling, simulation and verification
DC to high frequency
Steady state and transients
Virtual protyping
• Multiphysic system modeling: from FEM calculation (EM, thermo,
mechanical) to circuit model.
• Micro to macro
• Numerical analysis
Modeling from macro (national grid) to micro level (semiconductor,
Experience in HVDC, FACTS, renewable is a bonus and field experience from utility or power related industry is also very valuable. Excellent skills in oral and written communication. Own initiatives and creativity are valuable in the team effort to deliver result in the projects.
For more information please contact Ambra Sannino, Hiring Manager, +46 21


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2008-05-16
For more information please contact Ambra Sannino, Hiring Manager, +46 21

Ronny Larsson tel 021-323006, Juliett Wernel tel 0

ABB Corporate Research AB

ABB Corporate Research AB

Forskargränd 7

Telefonnummer: 021-323000
Faxnummer: 021-417300


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