Postdoctoral position

Karlstads universitet / Sjukgymnastjobb / Karlstad
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Postdoctoral position in either Business Administration,
Political science, Sociology or Psychology

Karlstad University / Fakulteten för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap / Handelshögskolan

Karlstad University takes pride in combining active external cooperation with academic excellence.
Karlstad University has around 16 000 students and a staff of over 1 200 members. Democratic principles, equality and diversity are cornerstones of the University. We value the enriching presence of diverse backgrounds and competencies among students and staff.


CTF, the university's Service Research Centre (, is one of the world's leading research centres in the area of services. The centre employs around 60 researchers and doctoral students who conduct research in business administration, psychology, information systems, working life science, sociology, and sociology of religion. CTF is renowned for extensive partnerships with business and public enterprises. Our research is focused on three main areas; service innovation, service experience and service management, but continuously develops in new directions. CTF is designated as an excellent research group at Karlstad University.


The postdoctoral position will be connected to ongoing research within CTF, devoted to how service research can increase the understanding of, and thereby strengthen, the industrial sector. Companies within the industrial sector is undergoing a change process commonly referred to as servitization which
implies a shift from offering products to offering integrated products and services that deliver value in use. Servitization is associated with development of new service-oriented business models and a shift from a goods-dominant logic to a service-dominant logic. In order to conduct research of servitization
the Post Doc applicant should be willing to conduct data-collection at manufacturing companies that are partners to CTF. As servitization implies a shift in business logic often conditioned by the environment, command of or willingness to learn institutional logic and institutional theory is a merit. The researcher
should show clear ambition to achieve international journal publications within relevant areas such as marketing, management or likewise. In this context, excellent results are equivalent to level three or four publications according to the ABS list. The aim is to produce research that is relevant to individuals,
organisations and the society as a whole. The position will mostly comprise research. The rest, at most 20%, usually comprises teaching or other development work.

Qualification requirements

The eligibility requirements for a postdoctoral position is a doctor's degree. For the present position, the candidate needs to have a PhD in Business Administration, Psychology, or any other relevant discipline that has prepared the candidate to conduct research on servitization of relevance to CTF. The doctor's
degree may not have been rewarded more than three years prior the application deadline. Doctor's degrees awarded earlier may be taken into consideration if there are special reasons to do so, such as parental leave and illness.

Assessment criteria

Considerable weight is given to applicants' academic merits and particularly to publications in international journals related to CTF's research areas. Previous publications in public management journals with a service research framing is an extra merit. The ability to examine and understand Swedish Governmental authorities and also contribute to the regions business development will be considered as important assessment criteria's. Weight is also given to experience of participation in national and international research projects/partnerships. It is important that the successful applicant is highly motivated and shows ability to work independently as well as to cooperate with other researchers, since much of the research done at CTF is collaborative and transdisciplinary. Good oral and written skills in English are required.

Terms of employment

This is a full-time position for a fixed term of two years, as per collective bargaining agreement. The appointment may be extended if there are special reasons to do so, such as illness or parental leave.

Starting date as per agreement.


The application should include well-documented qualifications and the contact details of two references.
Applicants are responsible for documenting qualifications in a way that allows for objective and qualitative assessments.

Application should include:
• State the reference number:REK2017/77
• Application letter in which the applicant describes him/herself and his/her research interests in
relation to the specialisation of the position.
• CV with certified copies of transcripts and degree certificates
• Copies of doctoral thesis and other relevant publications
• Other documents the applicant wants to submit
• Verification of English language skills
• A description of the ability to examine and understand Swedish governmental authorities and also
contribute to the regions business development
Applications should be submitted electronically via the university's web-based recruitment system. All documents and publications to be considered should be submitted as part of the application - do not only supply links to these publications.
Exception: One copy of documents that cannot be submitted electronically should be sent to:

Karlstads universitet

State the reference number:REK2017/77
Application deadline: March 29, 2017

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Full time, temporary position for a fixed term of two years, as per collective bargaining agreement


Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-04-03

Karlstads Universitet

Karlstads Universitet

Universitetsgatan 2


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