
Högskolan i Borås / Kemiingenjörsjobb / Borås
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The School of Engineering, University of Borås is recruiting:
A postdoctoral researcher in polymer technology with focus on recycling of glass fibre reinforced composites
Registration number 50-09-40
The School of Engineering's research in polymer technology focuses on polymer composite materials, melt spinning of polymer fibres for functional and smart textiles as well as on medical fibre composites and biopolymers.
The polymer group is now recruiting a postdoctoral researcher, who has a PhD degree in polymer technology, composite materials technology or similar.
The postdoctoral researcher will work in the project Recycling of composite materials by microwave pyrolysis , which is financed by the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen). The aim of the project is to develop a cost-efficient and environmentally friendly recycling technique for glass fibre composites by using microwave pyrolysis. This involves collection of the residual glass fibre reinforcement, and its use in virgin composite products. The project is done in close connection with companies participating in the project, and a part of the work will be done at the companies. The duties for the position involve project planning, analysis and characterisation of recycled composite material, the use of this material in virgin composite products as well as reporting the results at scientific conferences. Supervision of MSc-level thesis projects, as well as development of the research in this field at the University are also included.
The position is for 3 years, and the earliest starting date is 2009-03-01. The position is best suited for a person that has recently (within 2 years) obtained his PhD degree and is in aiming to gain experience in independent research and in developing his academic portfolio by publishing in scientific journals, and participating in scientific conferences. Experience in and knowledge about composites and recycling of materials is a clear advantage. The candidate must have very good co-operation skills, and must be able to work independently and to take initiatives. Very good skills in English are required.
Enquiries about the position should be directed to Professor Mikael Skrifvars +46-33-435 44 97, e-mail: . Union representatives at University of Borås are Kerstin Dagborn for SACO and Lars Seldén for OFR.
The selection of the successful student is based on submitted documents and interviews, and takes into account the requirements for the research project. Applications marked with the registration number, including a 2-page curriculum vitae, contact a details of two references, copies of certificates and undergraduate course results, and a general motivation for the application should be submitted no later than 2009-02-28 to:
University of Borås
SE-501 90 BORÅS


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2009-02-28

Högskolan i Borås

Högskolan i Borås
50190 BORÅS

Allégatan 1

Telefonnummer: 033-4354000


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