Post-Doctoral Research Coordinator

Linnéuniversitetet / Sjukgymnastjobb / Kalmar
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Welcome to Linnaeus University! A place for knowledge, ideas and development. For growth potential and a belief in the future. In Småland and in the world.

The Department of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Linnaeus University is seeking applicants for a position as Research Coordinator.

Field of subject for the position: Heritage Studies/Nuclear Waste Management
Placement: Kalmar
Extent and period: 33% fixed term, 1 May 2019 - 31 January 2020

Context of position
The UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures at Linnaeus University has been awarded funding by Sweden's Innovation Agency VINNOVA for a research project "Memory Across Generations" directed by Professor Cornelius Holtorf. The present position is for the project's research coordinator.

The duties of the research coordinator include
• coordinating progress of the project as a whole in close collaboration with the project's director
- carrying our various administrative and practical tasks in relation to the work of the research project as specified by the project director
- compiling an inventory of all project partners' needs and expectations
- identifying possible risks and threats to the future implementation of the project's results
- drafting, editing and finalizing a written project report for Vinnova.

Essential requirements
The position is open for applicants with a Doctoral degree in a directly relevant academic field. Applicants must have documented expertise and experience in relation to the topic and aims of the research project as described in the following summary: "Present society is tasked with facilitating long-term memory across many generations to ensure an ethically and environmentally sound management of nuclear and other hazardous wastes throughout their life cycle. The main obstacle is the complexity of the matter and a present lack among relevant stakeholders of adequate long-term thinking and planning in waste management. Our innovation consists of the insight that managing hazardous waste in the long term can benefit from relevant expertise in the cultural heritage sector. Our initial focus will be on nuclear waste."
As the project language is English, applicants must be able to express themselves in English without limitations, both orally and in writing. They must also be able to work in a team.

Assessment criteria
Applicants who meet the essential requirements will be evaluated regarding their suitability for the position on the basis of a cover letter, a CV, and (if deemed necessary) external references.
The cover letter should be written in English and describe the applicant's relevant expertise and experience, including the names and contact details of two suitable individuals who could provide relevant external references about the applicant.
The CV must not exceed 3 pages. Experience of leading international projects in areas relevant to the topic of the project is a strong merit.
Short-listed candidates may be called for interview.

Applications must be submitted no later than 25 April.

Further information
Project Director: Professor Cornelius Holtorf
Human Resources Consultant: Jessica Drott

Linnaeus University has the ambition to utilize the qualities that an even gender distribution and diversity brings to the organization.

Please apply by clicking on the Apply button at the bottom of the ad. The credentials you invoke must be verified with certification and they must be attached digitally in your application. The application and other documents to be marked with the reference number. All documents cited must be received by the University no later than 24.00 (Local time in Sweden) on the closing day.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-04-25
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39182 Kalmar



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