PhD student position

Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB / Högskolejobb / Göteborg
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PhD student position in Context-aided Scalable Adaptive D-MIMO for Joint Communications-Sensing

Chalmers University of Technology is located in Gothenburg on the scenic west coast of Sweden. It is among the top research schools in Europe. The research environment is international and English is the working language.

Chalmers has a long tradition of international research in wireless communications in close collaboration with top international academia as well as both local and international telecommunications and automotive industry. A large part of such research is performed at the Department of Electrical Engineering (E2), where this PhD student position is announced. E2 is engaged in both fundamental and applied research, spanning a large variety of research areas including Automatic Control, Automation, Mechatronics, Biomedical Engineering, Communication Systems and Information Theory, Signal Processing and Antennas. Cross-disciplinary research is central and encouraged through projects across different groups within the Department.

The Communication Systems Group
The Communication Systems Group employs around 45 people, including 8 faculty and 25 PhD students, and is active in a wide range of topics in digital communication. These include 6G wireless systems, hardware-constrained communication, localization and sensing, vehicular communications, fiber-optical communication, and distributed information systems.

In this research environment, a PhD student will be recruited to perform world-class research on algorithms and theories for context-aided scalable adaptive distributed multiple input multiple-output (D-MIMO) systems for 6G mobile communications with integrated sensing capabilities.

Major responsibilities
You will participate in interdisciplinary national and international research projects on 6G wireless systems with a focus on algorithms and theories for scalable and adaptive D-MIMO systems. Scalability is envisioned to be enabled by harnessing on radio frequency domain digital twinning of the propagation environment and adaptivity from online learning of the propagation environment using integrated sensing information, such that the system can adapt to dynamic environments and user needs.

Your major responsibility as a PhD student is to pursue your own doctoral studies, where around 75% is research and approximately 25% graduate courses. You are expected to develop your own scientific concepts and communicate the results of your research (verbally and in writing) in major journals and conferences. You will also attend research projects meetings where you will present your own work and establish useful contacts with other researchers. In addition, the position also includes teaching on undergraduate and MSc level, or other departmental duties, of up to 10 percent of full time.

You will participate in interdisciplinary research projects on 6G wireless systems with a focus on multi-antenna systems for wireless access/backhaul/fronthaul at upper cm-wave, mm-wave and potentially (sub-)THz spectrum bands. The appointment offers a great research collaboration network within both academia and industry as we have numerous ongoing collaborations with the internationally leading academic groups and industry. In particular, you will be active within our ongoing EU Horizon Europe 6G-IA 6G Flagship project "Hexa-X-II",, and in our new research center Wireless Infrastructure Technology at Chalmers (WiTECH) within the project "Distributed communication and radar sensing convergence" (DisCouRSe),

After completing PhD studies at Chalmers University of Technology, you will be in great demand from Swedish as well as international industry, and you will have an excellent basis for further academic research as well. Candidates with any nationality are welcome to apply.

Read more about doctoral studies at Chalmers here.

By the starting date, you should have a Master of Science degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education credits in a relevant field such as Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Communications or similar.

Mandatory qualifications:
• Digital communications
• Stochastic processes
• Signal processing
• Excellent English communication skills (spoken and written)
• Programming.

Advantageous qualifications:
• Wireless communication
• Information theory
• Machine learning
• Artificial intelligence
• Skills in simulation techniques.

You should have high grades in the core courses and a strong interest to pursue research in wireless communications.

You must be creative and have the interest to work in industrial and international collaboration environments and the ability to present your ideas and research results to researchers and engineers with different backgrounds. Previous experiences in research, publications, and teaching are also advantageous.

If Swedish is not your native language, you are encouraged to learn it during your employment. Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of five years. The position can commence immediately.

Application procedure
To apply, please go to:

Application deadline: 9 August, 2024. Applications will be evaluated continuously.

• ** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez - forward.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2024-08-09
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Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB ( 556479-5598)


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