Lecturer in Care Sciences with a focus on organisation and leade

Göteborgs universitet / Administratörsjobb (offentlig verksamhet) / Göteborg
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University of Gothenburg, institute of Health and Care Sciences

Kort beskrivning av företaget: The lnstitute of Health and Care Sciences offers a number of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes as well as individual academic courses within the first and second cycle of higher education. The basic training courses for nurses and radiographers result in a professional degree as well as a bachelor's degree. The training of midwives and the different courses for specialist nurses lead to a professional registration in combination with a master's degree. All professional programmes lead to a professional registration. Moreover, the freestanding courses are offered at an advanced level, providing the possibility to continue studying towards a master's degree in one of the institution's main topics; nursing, reproductive and perinatal health, radiography and health care pedagogics. The institute also offers a postgraduate programme leading to a PhD degree in Health Care Sciences.

Titel: Lecturer in Care Sciences with a focus on organisation and leadership

Beskrivning av arbetsuppgifter: SUBJECT AREA DESCRIPTION:The focus of Care Sciences is people 's experiences in relation to ill-health, disease and suffering, partly in relation to recovery, maintenance and promotion of health and partly in relation to the biological body and sociocultural structures. The learning process of people and the organisation of care constitute the central subjects within care research. JOB ASSIGNMENTS:Duties will include teaching, course coordination, supervision and summative assessments on a first-cycle level, mainly within the area of organisation and leadership. However, teaching at a second-cycle level may also be included. The position is placed mainly within the Nursing programme. An active effort towards achieving the institution's goals and business plan, and to participate in planned common meetings and activities at the institution is also expected from the successful candidate. An ability to teach in Swedish is expected.

Beskrivning av kvalifikationer: ELIGIBILITY: The qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance. Completed university education at the least advanced level within the Care Sciences and demonstrated pedagogical skills. ASSESSMENT: Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance. First assessment criterion is pedagogical skills where the quality and width in teaching experience from the Nursing programme or alternatively the pedagogical experience from the nursing area is a plus. Proven collaborative skills and flexibility from working with groups of employees, teachers and students, administrative skills and good referenses from a previous managerial position within clinical operations in the health care area will be taken into account. The candidate is expected to teach in Swedish.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-11-23
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: PAR 20171315


Göteborgs universitet

Göteborgs universitet
Box 457

Universitetsplatsen 1


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