Lead Engineer Vehicle Motion Software & Controls

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB, Teknisk Utveckling / Logistikjobb / Trollhättan
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Visa alla jobb hos National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB, Teknisk Utveckling i Trollhättan

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB (NEVS) är ett internationellt konsortium med intressen från Sverige och Kina. Med stöd av befintliga resurser och tillförsel av japansk spetsteknologi startar företaget en ny verksamhet i Trollhättan, där utveckling och produktion inriktas på elbilar. Målet är att bli en ledande tillverkare av elbilar.

Our Engineering department is creating a strong foundation of skills and we are therefore looking for a Lead Engineer for Vehicle Motion Software & Controls who will

• Have a responsibility that reaches over all projects.

• Have a clear line-role in addition to project-role.
• Lead technical communication with suppliers through the complete product development lifecycle.
• Identify opportunities and implement changes to improve products or processes and reduce cost.
• Evaluate the feasibility of new proposals and products.
• Be responsible for the development and maintenance of verification and validation methodologies and procedures that concern Vehicle Motion Software & Controls.
• Establish and maintains internal and external networks with Vehicle Motion expertise Software & Controls.

We are looking for someone who has:

• Relevant engineering experience in the work area, minimum 5 years
• University engineering education or equivalent experience.
• Driver license B

You master English and Swedish, both spoken and written.

To be successful in the role, you need to:

• Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of Vehicle Motion Software & Controls.
• Be creative, solution-oriented and open minded.
• Have good communication skills.
• Have excellent automotive industry knowledge.
• Have the ability to plan and prioritize.

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB is a member of the Engineering Industries and covered by current collective bargaining agreement signed by Unionen / Sveriges Ingenjörer / Ledarna.

We will have interviews continuously as we get applications.

Vill Du vara med i det team som ska fokusera på utveckling av attraktiva bilar för framtiden? I så fall är Du varmt välkommen att söka anställning hos oss!

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100%. Tillträde: Immediately tillsvidareanställning



Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-08-16
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 2015/31
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Johan Hägnander, Manager PWT & Chassis Controls 0520-85559

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB, Teknisk Utveckling

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB, Teknisk Utveckling
Saabvägen 5
46138 Trollhättan

Saabvägen 5


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