In-store tech support; Geek Squad is coming to Sweden!

Phone House / Supportteknikerjobb / Malmö
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Visa alla jobb hos Phone House i Malmö, Burlöv, Lund, Landskrona, Helsingborg eller i hela Sverige

In-store tech support; Geek Squad is coming to Sweden!

Do all things technology fire you up? Can you swap a motherboard or hook up a home theater system blindfolded? Does the thought of setting up an iPhone â-and getting paid for itâ-make you salivate? If you answered yes to any of these questions, congratulations. Your dream career might be waiting for you at Geek Squad®.

It all began with a few oddly dressed guys fixing computers. Today, we're an army more than 18,000 strong, on a singular mission to rid the world of rogue technology. We're still oddly dressed, but we're now oddly dressed and saving the day across the globe. If you're techno-exceptional, good with people and great at having fun while doing top-quality work, we invite you to be one of the first agents in Sweden and join our illustrious ranks. Read more about Geek Squad at or

Geek Squad Counter Intelligence Agents work in a fast paced retail environment performing computer-related installations and technical support. Although sales will not be your primary function, let's just face it, when our customers spot a sharp technical mind dressed like an Agent, they can't help but ask a few technology questions. Geek Squad Agents should have the ability to interact with customers while showing respect, courtesy and professionalism.

So if you're techno-exceptional, good with people and great at having fun while doing top-quality work, we invite you to join our illustrious ranks. You will be working in The Phone House new concept store "Wireless World" in Malmö and be one of the first Geek Squad agents in Sweden.


• Assist customers within the Precinct's Standard Operating Platform (SOP)
• Provide initial contact with customers, plus check in products for service
• Perform basic testing to determine product needs and service solutions
• Facilitate in-store sales, upgrades, installations and service on phones and laptops

Basic Qualifications:

• Expertise in DOS, Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP/Vista or Mac OS X
• Knowledge in troubleshooting hardware, peripherals, software, operating systems and Internet connections
• Proficiency in software installations and upgrades
• Strong research and problem-solving capabilities
• Spoken and written Swedish and English

Strong plus: proof of Apple certifications (current or expired), Linux experience and laptop repair training.

The position is full time and the training will take place in London. Interested? Send your application as soon as possible as we will go through the applications on a daily basis and the position may be appointed before the due date. Any questions? Please contact . We do not accept applications sent by email, please apply by "sök tjänsten".


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2012-08-26
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Phone House

Phone House
Marcusplatsen 9
13104 Nacka


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