Developer Consultant

UIQ Technology AB Product Management / Datajobb / Ronneby
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Visa alla jobb hos UIQ Technology AB Product Management i Ronneby

UIQ Technology,established in 1999 in Sweden, is an independant software provider to the world's leading mobile phone manufacturers. The company develops UIQ, an open user-interface and application development platform that is flexible and customizable. UIQ Technology is currently owned by Sony Ericsson and Motorola which each have a 50% stake in UI Holdings.
About the position:
UIQ Technology works with developers all over the world, to ensure that the applications and technology that our customers need are created through a thriving eco-system. The purposes are to
facilitate the creation of mobile phones based on UIQ, enable simple differentiation through software and to shorten the time to market for those phones.
We are now looking for a skilled Software Engineer that can strengthen our Developer Services function.
• Your work tasks will, for example, include problem solving and integration support for solutions from different companies within the UIQ ecosystem.
• Developer consultancy will be performed both face-to-face and over distance (phone, mail).
• We work tightly together in a small team and always strive to deliver the highest quality to our clients. This also require you to take own initiatives and drive your own work
• Work together with mobile phone manufacturers and operators on developer related issues of the UIQ phone project
Education and knowledge:
• A university degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or similar.
• Be fluent in English in writing and speech. Swedish is not a requirement but we would like to see candidates with skills in more than one language
• Good understanding for Object Oriented Analysis and Design
• Working with Symbian C++ programming for at least 6 months and C++ for 2 years.
• Working with UIQ for 6 months 
• Good understanding of embedded systems
Personal skills and abilities:
• Great communication skills
• Comfortable with giving presentation for an audience of up to 50 people
• Outgoing and can handle/work with people
• Honest and open
• Proactive and responsible
• Strong problem solving skills
• Quick learner as you will work with all aspects of the platform
• Take own initiatives
• Work in a structured way
We look forward to receiving your application, should you have any questions please contact Martin Holmstedt Human Resources at +46 (0) 733-576523


Tills vidare
Full time

Fast lön
To be agreed

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2008-04-06

Carina Linberg

UIQ Technology AB Product Management

UIQ Technology AB Product Management
Soft Center VIII
37225 Ronneby


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