Conductor to Stegen, a swedish preschool

Bräcke Diakoni, Barn och Ungdom / Förskollärarjobb / Göteborg
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Visa alla jobb hos Bräcke Diakoni, Barn och Ungdom i Göteborg

Stegen is a special preschool for children between 1-7 who have motor impairments and need special support.

We use conductive pedagogics to bring the Swedish preschool curriculum's (Lpfö98) goals to life. It is how we work with motor-, communication-, cognitive-, creative- , life- and social development. Through motivation, challenges and facilitation we enable our children to learn thereby giving them the chance to actively explore and play

We're looking for a conductor with preschool experience, speaking Swedish would be a big asset. Also meritorious would be proficiency with alternative communication. You will be part of a multidisciplinary team and will, as a member of the pedagogical leadership, be responsible for planning and running the preschool. Some of your job assignments would be:

• Planning, leading and evaluating the preschool (according to curriculum and conductive standards)
• Documenting the pedagogical work
• Planning, writing and leading motor series
• Participate in planning and leading conductive courses on different levels (staff, parents, others)
• Take an active part in the daily practical work at Stegen

 The employment is 100% and commences in August 2015. For more information please contact the preschool director Johanna Björnhage +4631-50 27 56

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100%. Tillträde: Enligt överneskommelse tillsvidareanställning



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Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-06-30
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 2015/55
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Johanna Björnhage, verksamhetschef 031-50 27 56, Mobil 0765-03 27 56

Bräcke diakoni, Barn och Ungdom

Bräcke diakoni, Barn och Ungdom
Bräcke Västergårdsväg 5
41877 Göteborg

Bräcke Västergårdsväg 5


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