Communications Officer

Aktiebolaget Sandvik Materials Technology / Administratörsjobb / Sandviken
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Sandvik Materials Technology (SMT) is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a world leading manufacturer of high-value-added products in stainless steel materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials and process systems. The product areas comprise Tube, Strip, Wire and Heating Technology, Process Systems and MedTech.
SMT is running an extensive global restructuring program (SMT Business System), which means significant challenges for how we communicate. In order to intensify the activities within the framework of the restructuring program, we are now looking for a Communications Officer to work with communications issues that arise from the introduction of new ways of working and new tools and methods for the organization. The position will be located in Sandviken.
Key performance areas
As Communications Officer you actively contribute to well functioning communication that supports the company's overall goals and strategies, and create understanding of these among your co-workers. From an organizational point of view you will be part of the stab communications function, but you will work closely with the central organization supporting implementation in the line. You will also function as support for managers, navigators (internal consultants within the restructuring program), product areas and other units with respect to communications planning, message formulation, actual implementation and follow-up.
Your profile
We are looking for someone with an academic education in information/communications and/or journalism. You should have good knowledge of graphic design, digital imaging and working with film/video. You are a dedicated writer with good style and pedagogical ability, who can take responsibility for initiating, managing, implementing and following up communications activities. Your knowledge of web publishing is good and we prefer that you have previous experience of using Lotus Notes.
As a person you are multifaceted and flexible with the ability to work at a fast tempo, as well as see the need for support and provide it. You know how to use the intranet as an effective communication tool, how to communicate in a way that is beneficial to business and have great interest in how changes in global organizations are conducted. Very good knowledge of both Swedish and English, written and verbal, is a prerequisite for this position.
Contact information
For further information about this position, please contact:
Lena Tusås, Corporate Function for Communications, SMT, +46 (0)26 260 829
Peter Morris, Vice-President for SMT and Manager for SMT Business System, +46 (0)26 263 842
Ulrika Dunker, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 264 605
Union Contacts
Anders Sjödén, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 263 493
Bengt Larsson, Unionen, +46 (0)26 263 349
Glenn Holm, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 263 809
Send your application not later than October 31, 2010. Also include samples of work that meet the specifications of the position. Interviews will be held continuously and the successful candidate will get access immediately.
Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 304481.
For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)26 261 444.
Sara Thoors


Arbetstider och omfattning

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-10-31
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 304481
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.




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