Cloud Developer with a focus on Innovation

Geshdo Now AB / Datajobb / Malmö
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Looking for a new job should be something fun and exciting! Far too often we are faced with long lists of requirements and vague company presentations. We think you deserve better .

Full-stack, Cloud, Front-end, Back-end, System or Software developer. However you choose to label your current skill set we are looking for you!

Who you are
We imagine that you love frontend and/or backend technologies and want to build cool cloud native solutions on one of the big cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP).

Relevant backend technologies could for example be Express.js, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Flask or GO.

If you are more interested in frontend, you have probably worked with Vue.js/React.js, TypeScript/JavaScript and SASS/SCSS or something similar.

Previous knowledge of one of the cloud platforms is a plus but not required.

We like to work with new and exciting things so a willingness to learn is a requirement.

What you will do
• Be a part of our innovative A-Team ( Our role at GESHDO is to create smart lean solutions and experimental proof-of-concepts. You will join us working with everything from planning to building, deploying and maintaining. We have for example built the world's fastest bank website and showcased our machine-learning driven visual intelligence concept in the keynote presentation at Google I/O.

• Cloud. We work with bleeding edge technology and our competences covers the 3 main cloud platforms, GCP, AWS and Azure. As a cloud developer you will work with different solutions to help our clients achieve the best possible outcome.

• Development. A broad spectrum of task such as setting up build jobs, architecting the solutions and deploying your own code. The philosophy is we build it, we run it. That's why striving for cloud native technologies, such as serverless is really important.

• Consulting. We are all consultants and our clients trusts us to find the best IT solutions for them. At GESHDO you will work closely with clients and other talented IT professionals.

What we can offer you
• Targeted goals: Our Employees are what makes us special and keeping you happy and technically challenged is what drives us forward. A few things we offer to achieve this is education in new technologies, meetings with our career coach/psychotherapist and the best tools to write code. As an example, our consultants learn an average of two new programming language per year.

• Transparency: We are founded by two developers who drew the core values from their own extensive experiences as consultants. One important thing for us is that we are an open book, nothing is secret and anyone wanting to be part of the decision-making process is welcomed with open arms.

• Social environment: The work-life balance is key to us. Meetings are during business hours and overtime is something we always try to avoid. We also like each other and try to get together as often as we can. Something's that we currently do (which are optional to attend of course) are going to conferences, arrange hackathons, exercise together and get together at after works.

• Competitive benefits package: We provide you a great pension program and protection if you get sick. You will get access to our personal trainer and our psychotherapist/careers coach. When you join us, we also give you a clear idea of how you can increase your salary level.

• The "GESHDO philosophy": We want to challenge the industry standards to once again make the result for the end-user the primary focus. Development should not have convenience as its primary focus, challenging yourself to use new technologies, use new ways of thinking and testing the boundaries of what is possible is what makes development a useful tool rather than a restriction. If you are also someone who would like to work in this way, we believe that we will have a lot of fun working together!

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-04-02
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Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Geshdo Now AB ( 559053-5208), https://GESHDO.COM



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