China Programme Leader

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti / Samhällsvetarjobb / Solna
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Leadership Role
SIPRI seeks a highly-regarded, dynamic, and experienced individual to lead its rapidly-growing China and Global Security Programme.
With significant funding for the Programme already in place, the successful candidate will lead and manage a team of 5 to 7 persons (in Stockholm and Beijing) to conceive, design and implement innovative research and capacity-building projects relating to China and its growing role in global security affairs. The Programme Leader will apply her/his academic and/or policy related experience, strong analytical capabilities, and demonstrated leadership skills on these issues to lead and motivate Programme staff and deliver outstanding projects and research, while also working synergistically with other SIPRI Programmes. The Programme Leader will have an integral role as part of the SIPRI senior leadership team. Most importantly, the Programme Leader will have the exceptional opportunity to build from the strengths, networks, and global reputation already in place for SIPRI and its work on China to establish one of the world’s strongest programmes on China and global security. The position will be headquartered in Stockholm, but will involve frequent travel to China and elsewhere in East Asia.
The successful candidate will have:
• A minimum of five to seven years of experience at a senior level in academic research and/or policy related work in this field, including a strong record of high quality (peer-reviewed) publications;
• A deep understanding of, and experience in the analysis of contemporary China-related security issues, especially with regard to global, nontraditional and transnational security challenges, regional conflict, arms control, nonproliferation, and China’s relations with other major players in the international system;
• Demonstrated success as a programme leader and team manager, including the ability to set and realize a strategic agenda for programme development, supervise and mentor staff, generate external funding, cooperate with other programmes, conduct media outreach, and brief relevant policy communities;
• Strong relationship building skills with developed networks and with relevant government and non-government institutions working in this field, especially in China;
• Effective communication and interpersonal skills;
• Ability to speak and write fluently in English and to produce materials for the SIPRI Yearbook and other publications; very high to native-level fluency to read, write, and speak in Mandarin Chinese (working fluency in other languages important for the study of China would be helpful, but not necessary);
• A higher degree


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2009-09-25
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: China Programme Leader
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Åsa Agréus, Personalansvarig,

Facklig kontakt
Gunnie Boman, Bibliotikarie,
Olle Persson, Bibliotikarie,

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti
Signalistgatan 9
16970 SOLNA

Telefonnummer: 08-6559700


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