
Karolinska Institutet / Biologjobb / Solna
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The Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK) carries out both preclinical and clinical research within numerous fields. Linked to the department are approximately 450 researchers, postgraduate students, teachers and technical & administrative staff and we currently have about 150 PhD students. The department is conducting undergraduate courses for medical students, physiotherapist students, biomedicine students and biomedical laboratory students.

The bioinformatician position is placed in prof Richard Rosenquist Brandell's research group at MMK.

The research is focused on applying next-generation sequencing technologies to explore key molecular events in hematological malignancies. The group moved to a brand new location in January 2018, BioClinicum, and includes PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and bioinformaticians. The group works closely with Clinical Genetics at Karolinska University Hospital and Science for Life Laboratory.


Dina arbetsuppgifter
The research projects focus on analysing the importance of genetics/epigenetics for development of hematological malignancies, with the ultimate aim to further characterize specific subgroups of the diseases in order to map important genetic/epigenetic events that contribute to the disease pathogenesis, and affect the prognosis for the individual patient. The project will focus on analysis of small- and large-scale next-generation sequencing data as well as implementing and testing of new techniques.

We aim to recruit an independent and motivated person who can set up and maintain workflows by implementing and adapting existing tools for next-generation sequencing analysis. The appointed person will be expected to work with molecular biologists, physicians and bioinformaticians, as well as to actively participate in national and international collaborative research Projects.

Applicants are required to have completed a Master's degree or higher in a field related to the position, such as bioinformatics, biotechnology, engineering physics, biomedicine or similar. Further requirements are:

- Documented experience in analysis of next-generation sequencing data in human disease.
- Documented experience in programming and data analysis in R.
- Programming skills in Python, R, Java or Perl, as well as scientific computing in Linux Pased HPC environments.
- Excellent communication skills and the ability to work both independently and in collaboration with colleagues in very diverse fields, and the ability to document work.

A scientific background is a strong merit. Personal suitability is an important criterion.

The employment is a fixed-term position for two years.

Ansökan ska göras via rekryteringssystemet Varbi.

Vid tillsvidareanställning tillämpar Karolinska Institutet 6 månaders provanställning.

Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical universities. Its vision is to significantly contribute to the improvement of human health. Karolinska Institutet accounts for the single largest share of all academic medical research conducted in Sweden and offers the country's broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences. The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet selects the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.
Pursuant to the regulations of the Swedish National Archives, applications are kept on file for two years after the appointment has gained legal force. The regulations do not apply to attachments that have been printed or otherwise published.
Karolinska Institutet strives to provide a workplace that has approximately the same number of women and men, is free of discrimination and offers equal opportunity to everyone.

For temp agencies and recruiters, and to salespersons: We politely, yet firmly, decline direct contact with temp agencies and recruiters, as well as those selling additional job announcements.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100 %. Tillträde: enligt överenskommelse Visstidsanställning


Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-03-15
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 2-1038/2019
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Richard Rosenquist Brandell, professor/överläkare

Karolinska Institutet

Karolinska Institutet
Karolinska universitetssjukhuset, Solna L1:00
17176 Stockholm

Karolinska universitetssjukhuset, Solna L1:00


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