Are you our new Training Assistant?

Entry Point North AB / Administratörsjobb / Malmö
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Visa alla jobb hos Entry Point North AB i Malmö, Svedala eller i hela Sverige

Entry Point North AB is an international academy specialising in Air Traffic Management training. The academy was established in 2005 and it educates primarily Air Traffic Controllers. Since 2011 we have a subsidiary in Budapest, Hungary. Entry Point North is based at Malmö Airport, Sweden, with customers and students all over Europe.

At Entry Point North we work in an environment with a high tempo where each day is unique. To be successful in this position you will have to work according to our values: brave, responsible, innovative and open-minded.

Entry Point North is looking for a new Training Assistant who is ready to take-off with us!

Job description
As a Training Assistant, you will be working in an innovative environment in close collaboration with your colleagues. Your main responsibilities will be to:

• From start to end of a course be fully responsible for administrating it. You will also assist our teachers in their daily work.

• Be a contact person for our instructors and students and give them support in connection with routines and procedures.

• Be responsible for all administration regarding the students.

• Take part in producing student material.

• Take part in various projects in the Training Department.

• Represent Entry Point North towards guests and customers.

• Support in the introduction of the Entry Point North concept.

• Single-handedly supervise some courses.

The position is temporary starting the 6th of August 2012 until the end of December 2012, and it may include travel. The conditions of employment follows the general conditions of the collective agreement "Kommunikation" between Almega and SEKO, ST, Ledarna, Jusek, CF, Civilekonomerna and SRAT.

We are looking for an open-minded colleague with a positive attitude. You are structured and fearless when it comes to organising and taking responsibility for whatever needs to be done. You have a flexible mind-set and have no problems adapting to quick changes. You like to work in a team but you are also comfortable working independently. Where others see problems, you see possibilities.

At least 3 years of experience in an administrative role are essential. You must have an excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office programmes. The business language is English why you need to be confident in using English, both written and spoken.

If you have further questions about this position, please contact Liza Högstedt, HR Specialist, +46 (0) 703 48 74 38.
Union Contact: ST inom flygledning, Mattias Kozina, +46 (0) 738 52 19 85.

Send your application to no later than the 16th of May 2012. We run a continuous programme of selections and interviews and would thus like to receive your application as soon as possible.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 3 - 6 månader

Fast lön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2012-05-16
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Liza Högstedt, HR Specialist, +46 703 48 74 38

Facklig kontakt
Mattias Kozina, +46 738 52 19 85


BOX 30


Telefonnummer: 040-6131000


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