
Umeå universitet / Högskolejobb / Umeå
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Umeå University - with its 33,000 students and over 4,000 employees - is an organisation in constant change and development. Umeå University conducts groundbreaking research within several areas - several in which we are among the best in the world - within others regarded as the leaders in Sweden. We are one of Sweden’s largest providers of education and offer a broad and attractive range of courses and programmes. Our campus constitutes an inspiring environment for everyone that studies and works here. We wish to co-operate with companies and organisations throughout the Umeå region and all over the world.
In September 2009 UMA, Umeå School of Architecture was established as a laboratory for experimental architecture. Here we will educate architects through the artistic practices, focusing on integrated design methods. Sustainability, resource-awareness and an understanding of international concerns are central issues for us. Starting in autumn 2010 the first and second year bachelor programme and the first year master programme will be operational. We will cater for approximately 130 students in 2010, expanding to 250 students in 2012. More information can be found at
To facilitate this expansion six new positions are hereby announced. Are you one of our new co-workers?
Architect for Studio tutoring
Ref 314-89-10
Three full-time vacancies (continuous contract) commencing on the 1st April 2010 or as soon as possible after this date.
Architect for Studio tutoring
Ref 314-90-10
Two part-time vacancies (each 50%, continuous contract) commencing on the 1st April 2010 or as soon as possible after this date.
Architect for the implementation of the International program
Ref 314-88-10
One full-time vacancy (continuous contract) commencing on the 1st April 2010 or as soon as possible after this date.
The applicants must be prepared to attend an interview as soon as possible, preferably between the 10th and 12th of March.
For more information about the vacancies please contact: Rector Peter Kjaer. , phone +46 70 559 46 96 or Director Thomas Olofsson , phone +46 90 786 67 10.
Your application must consist of
A personal letter where you tell us why you are the best candidate and briefly describe how you would work with the above challenges.
A curriculum vitae
Relevant documentation of the required abilities: i.e. copies of degree certificate, copies of dissertations, statements from previous employers
At least two references should be supplied
Your application, marked with the relevant reference number (Dnr), should be sent to (state the reference number as subject) or to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive the 5th of March 2010 at the latest.
Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.
Applications will be discarded or, if the applicant so wishes, returned two years after the position has been filled. Documents sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format. If you are applying to several positions with diferent reference numbers, you must submit a separate application for each position.
Your complete application, marked with reference number for each position, should be sent to (state the reference number as subject) or to the registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive March 4, 2010 at the latest.


Arbetstider och omfattning

Fast lön
Individuell lönesättning

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-03-04
Ansökan sker via företagets webbplats.
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 314-88-90-10

Thomas Olofsson, 090-786 67 10
Peter Kjaer, 070-559 46 96

Umeå universitet

Umeå universitet
90187 UMEÅ

Telefonnummer: 090-786 50 00


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