11 Ass. Senior Lecturer & 6 Assistant Professor

Lunds Universitet / Högskolejobb / Lund
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Lund University is the largest university in Scandinavia with education and research in engineering, the natural sciences, law, the social sciences, economics, medicine, the humanities, theology, music and drama. Some 40,600 students are registered at the university, which has a staff of some 5,500 principally located in Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg.
The announcement of the vacancies is the second part of a comprehensive effort that Lund University is making to prioritise positions for young researchers. It is the university's intention to continue its prioritisation of positions for young researchers by announcing approximately 35 new positions a year over the coming four years.
More information about the positions listed below is available on the web-sites of the faculties and Campus Helsingborg.

Send your application, quoting the reference number, to Registrator@lu.se or to Lund University, Registrar,
P O Box 117, 221 00 Lund.

Five positions as Associate Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Science with the following titles and specialisations:
• Associate senior lecturer in environmental science, with specialisation in risk analysis, ref. no. PA 2007/3461
• Associate senior lecturer with specialisation in accelerator physics or synchrotron radiation instrumentation (placement at the MAX laboratory), ref. no. PA 2007/3462
• Associate senior lecturer with specialisation in statistical methods for the life sciences, ref. no. PA 2007/3463
• Associate senior lecturer in geobiosphere science, with specialisation in marin carbon cycling modelling, ref. no. PA 2007/3464
• Associate senior lecturer in theoretical physics, ref. no. PA 2007/3465
For more information please visit www.naturvetenskap.lu.se/anstallning

At the Faculty of Law
• Two positions as Associate Senior Lecturer within the discipline of Legal Science, ref. no. PA 2007/3558
For more information please visit www.jur.lu.se

Two positions as Associate Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences with the following titles and specialisations:
• Sociology, ref. no. PA 2007/3621
• Sociology, specialising in criminology, ref. no. PA 2007/3622
For more information please visit www.sam.lu.se/o.o.i.s/2861

Two positions as Associate Senior Lecturer at the School of Economics and Management with the following titles and specialisations:
• Business Administration, specialising in information systems, in particular enterprise systems, ref. no. PA 2007/3643
• Economics, ref. no. PA 2007/3644
For more information please visit www.ehl.lu.se/omehl/lediga or www.ehl.lu.se/en/about/vacant

Two positions as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, with the following titles:
• Clinical Research, ref. no. PA 2007/3603
• Experimental Medical Research, ref. no. PA 2007/3604
For more information please visit www.med.lu.se/lediga_anstallningar

Two positions as Assistant Professor at the Academies of Performing Arts, with the following titles and specialisations:
• Music Education, ref. no. PA 2007/3606
• Drama, ref. no. PA 2007/3607
For more information please visit www.performingarts.lu.se

One position as Assistant Professor at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology with the following title:
• Danish Studies, ref. no. PA 2007/3676
For more information please visit www.ht.lu.se/anstallningar

One position as Assistant Professor at Campus Helsingborg with the following title:
• Service Studies, specialising in customer encounter and innovation, ref. no. PA 2007/3659
For more information please visit www.lu.se/o.o.i.s/5


Please see each opening for details

Individuell lönesättning

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Sista ansökningsdag 2007-11-27
Vi tar emot ansökan via epost: registrator@lu.se

Lunds Universitet
22100 LUND
Telefonnummer: 046 222 00 00


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