Teamleader Customer Service Fraud

Klarna AB / Butikssäljarjobb / Stockholm
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Customer Service Fraud is Klarna's first line of fraud prevention and investigation. Our main responsibility is to, through customer contact, identify and help victims of fraud as well as preventing fraudsters from trying to remove security blocks and fish for sensitive information.

With an investigative mindset and strong communication skills supported with analytical tools and strict security routines we are more than a regular Customer Service. In Stockholm, we are about 15 agents handling customer errands for seven different countries.

Your mission as a team leader is to lead and manage the Fraud team to deliver excellent customer service as well as maintain relationships with our stakeholders and through that make the work more efficient. The team is a multi cultural group with people from 6 countries and handles complex cases that require persistent, commitment and collaboration skills.

Next to solving customer errands your secondary work task is to continuously develop the processes and routines in the Fraud department to improve efficiency and customer experience.

You are a natural and driven leader with a good range of management styles and have proven leadership skills for a team of a few people. You are a highly motivated, driven and independent person, willing to make a difference. When you get to collaborate positively within a fast paced and constantly changing environment, you thrive. At the same time, solving problems using logic and creativity is what you do best.

If you are service minded, are ambitious, have an interest in data and next to proficient English also speak another language, you will be perfect for this job. Since we believe in cooperation, we also want you to be social and have great communication skills. If you have experience from working with Fraud or Risk, this is a big plus.

We offer you an international working environment filled with smart and ambitious colleagues. As an employee at one of Sweden?s fastest growing companies, you will play an important role in taking Klarna to the next level.

Apply on our website. We recommend you to apply as soon as possible, interviews are being held continuously. Please send your application in English.




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Sista dag att ansöka är 2014-07-31
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Sveavägen 46

Sveavägen 46

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 08-12012000


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