Specialist Short-Term Optimization

E.ON Sverige AB / Säljarjobb / Malmö
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Visa alla jobb hos E.ON Sverige AB i Malmö, Hässleholm, Halmstad, Karlshamn, Växjö eller i hela Sverige

As a Specialist short-term optimization you will optimize E.ON's overall power and gas portfolio across short-term market channels, avoid balancing power and ensure optimal use of assets This includes responsibility to create short term prognoses for E.ON's customer consumption and power production portfolio (day-ahead and intraday) as well as being a part in developing and implement commercial strategies. You will operational decide on and execute external day-ahead and intraday transactions in the power and gas markets and nominate and monitor E.ON's balances for both power and gas in the Nordic market. Moreover and central, you will ensure that the trading and the provision of market information is done in accordance with external and internal rules and regulations.

In your future role, you will regularly exchange operational information with Portfolio and Asset Managers and continuously develop interfaces and processes with all commercial stakeholders. You will continuously expand your market and trading expertise and share best practices across E.ON's energy management organization. Additionally, you will support the improvement and professionalization of the IT structure and the front-to-end processes.

In the context of the restructuring of the E.ON group, several functions and processes are being newly established and are currently in the design phase. As part of the team, you will share responsibility for the build-up of new power balancing circles in Sweden and Denmark, the build-up of E.ON's day-ahead and intraday market access for power and gas in the Nordic area and ensuring day 1 readiness of IT systems.

• A university degree in engineering, mathematics, economics, or similar
• Good knowledge of the Nordic energy sector, ideally through several years of practical experience in the field of energy trading/optimization and/or power plant dispatch, scheduling/nomination
• Fluent in Swedish and very good English language skills.
• Command of German Language is seen as a plus
• Motivation to actively support setting up a new business activity and a high level of openness to change
• Commercial mind set and high dedication for area of responsibility
• Good conceptual and analytical skills, including experience in optimization models
• Pragmatic approach to solving complex challenges. Independent and solution-oriented working style in time constraint situations
• Strong teamwork and effective communication skills
• Willingness to work outside office hours, including weekends and bank holidays

Varaktighet, arbetstid


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E.ON Sverige AB

E.ON Sverige AB
20509 MALMÖ

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