Senior lecturer in Medical Biochemistry

Göteborgs universitet / Högskolejobb / Göteborg
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Kort beskrivning av företaget: The Institute of Biomedicine at the Sahlgrenska Academy consists of five collaborating departments for preclinical as well as clinical research ( ). The position will be located at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology and research at this department covers e.g. basic mechanisms of gene expression and DNA replication, glycobiology and functional studies of mucins in the gastrointestinal tract, molecular virology and microbiology, and angiogenesis and developmental biology. Several research groups are actively involved in cancer research and partners of the Sahlgrenska Cancer Centre.

Titel: Senior lecturer in Medical Biochemistry

Beskrivning av arbetsuppgifter: SPECIFIC SUBJECT DESCRIPTION: Refers to the molecular basis for physiological and cellular processes of biomedical significance.JOB ASSIGNMENTS: We are now recruiting a new member to our Department for a position as Senior Lecturer in Medical Biochemistry. The applicant should also in collaboration with colleagues take active part in our different education programs, including medicine and pharmacology. Teaching duties include both lecturing and more practical laboratory courses. The applicant will act both course leader and examiner in our education programs. The successful candidate must have well documented and in depth knowledge of medical biochemistry. The candidate should also pursue active and successful research. A documented ability to attract prestigious grants in national and international competition is a prerequisite. We expect the candidate to contribute to the development of research at our Institute within the field of medical biochemistry. The candidate is also expected to carry out other tasks normally associated with faculty positions, including administrative duties and commissions of trust.

Beskrivning av kvalifikationer: ELIGIBILITY: The qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance. The applicant must have a PhD degree i a relevant subject and demonstrated pedagogic proficiency. ASSESSMENT: Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance. The primary selection criterions will be education skills/experience and scientific excellence. The second selection criterion will be administrative skills and experience. When assessing the educational skills, special emphasis will be placed on experience in planning, implementing, and evaluating teaching in the field of medical biochemistry. Emphasis will also be placed on experience in supervision and coordination of examinations. When assessing scientific skills, great emphasis will be put on the ability the lead and develop independent research and experience in research supervision. A documented ability to attract prestigious grants in national and international competition is a strong merit. We also expect the candidate to have an interest and ability to communicate science to society and to the general public. The candidate should have documented administrative skills. The candidate should also display an ability and interest to collaborate with university colleagues. The successful applicant may also be asked to complete an educational training prog. within the first year of employment

AG referens: PER 2016/458
Apply online: More info on the University of Gothenburgs homepage

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Professor, Head of Institute Anders Oldfors +46 707 33 81 16

Göteborgs universitet

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