Senior lecturer in landscape architecture

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Högskolejobb / Lomma
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Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
The Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Administration is part of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Plant Production Science. The research and teaching within the department is performed by four theme groups: Design of Urban Landscapes, Landscape Planning, Urban Vegetation and Landscape Governance and Management. Research and teaching and at the department are multidisciplinary, including the perspectives of the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, design and engineering. The department's staff comprises 85 members, active in both teaching and research.

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Subject area
The subject is landscape architecture with a focus on the transformation of urban landscapes.

The purpose of this appointment is to develop knowledge in the subject and contribute to research, collaboration and teaching that bridges design and planning with special emphasis on the transformation of urban landscapes.

The senior lecturer should within the subject area:

• contribute to the development and strengthening of research and education (from bachelor's to doctoral level)
• participate actively in teaching, both practical and theoretical, including supervision and examination
• participate actively in research and supervision of doctoral students, produce scientific publications and apply for external research funding
• participate in and develop research and teaching collaborations within the subject area, at the department and SLU and with similar subject areas at other higher education institutions in Sweden and internationally
• develop and strengthen collaboration with the surrounding society

The applicant must have:

• completed a doctoral degree in landscape architecture or equivalent discipline
• demonstrated pedagogical skills in teaching at the undergraduate and advanced level
• completed pedagogical training in teaching in higher education corresponding to at least 10 weeks of studies, or have acquired the corresponding knowledge in some other way
• scientific skills in the field
• demonstrated experience of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research
• demonstrated good ability to communicate in Swedish and in English

Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria for the appointment will primarily be based on the degree to which the applicant possesses the required qualifications specified for the position. Equal attention will be paid to the assessment of teaching proficiency and the assessment of academic skills. Special emphasis will also be put on collaboration experience and project management.

When assessing the pedagogical skills, the following is taken into account:

• planning and implementation of teaching in the subject
• supervision and examination of independent work
• ability to integrate research, practice and a scientific approach in teaching
• experience of modern teaching methodologies, such as digital teaching methods

When assessing scientific skill, the following is taken into account:

• ability to develop research in the subject, for example by publishing, scientifically and popularly, and by receiving research grants
• experience from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research of significance for landscape architecture and planning

When assessing other skills is taken into account

• experience of the profession's practice
• demonstrated project management and administrative skills
• networking and communication skills.

Final date for application:

Place of work:

100 %

Form of employment:
Permanent employment

Starting date:
According to agreement

Use the document Application guidelines for appointment as professor, senior lecturer or associate senior lecturer at SLU as guide when
you fill in your application.

Please apply by clicking the apply-button below.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-05-06
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Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet ( 202100-2817),

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet


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