Science Officer/manager

Lunds Universitet / Laborantjobb / Lund
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MAX IV Laboratory is expanding rapidly and is currently building the new MAX IV facility, the largest investment in research infrastructure in Lund. We are looking for a Science officer/manager that can strengthen our team.

900 users from Sweden and Europe are coming to the MAX IV Laboratory to do research experiments in areas such as materials science, structural biology and nanotechnology. 140 people are currently employed at the MAX IV Laboratory. MAX IV will be the next generation synchrotron radiation and will replace the existing laboratory, which today consists of the storage ring MAX I, II and III.

Job assignments
The successful candidate will have the following major responsibilities:

• Support the management in writing proposals, reports etc.
• Take part in the development of the next phase beamline program, in particular developments directed towards industrial use of MAX IV.
• Take part in outreach activities to the present as well as future user community.
• Participate in meetings of both scientific and strategic nature.
• Support new "strategically important" users groups in the complete process of an experiment at MAX IV from writing a proposal to analyzing the data.
• Support the communication group with information and texts concerning activities at the beamlines e.g. user highlights, activity reports and information material on the web.
• Act as Industrial Liaison Officer.
• Support communication/collaboration with ESS.

The following qualifications are a must:

• PhD in a scientific area relevant for the science at the MAX IV Laboratory, and documented post-doctoral experience with such an area.
• Documented experience with synchrotron radiation research.
• Documented experience in proposal and report writing in particular for research infrastructures.
• Documented experience in interacting with funding agencies and science policy-making organizations.
• Documented experience in planning of and participation in outreach activities towards academia and industry.
• Excellent command of English.
• Good communication skills.
• Ability to work as member of a team and ability to take and carry through own initiatives.

It is an advantage if the the candidate has documented experience as Industrial Liasion Officer.

Appointment Procedure
Please apply online. Complementary documents, such as publications/books should be sent to: Registry office, Lund University, P.O. Box 117, SE-221 00 LUND, SWEDEN. The official record number should be clearly stated when sending complementary documents.

Lund University promotes an equal opportunities code. We encourage both men and women to apply for this position.

Salary is determined on an individual basis, within certain guidelines for this type of position. Please state requested salary in your application.

Applications will be destroyed or returned (upon request) two years after the decision of employment has become final. Applications from the employed and from those who appeal the decision will not be returned.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Limit of tenure, 2 years Extent: 100 %

As agreed

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2012-12-05
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

Franz Hennies, Project Coordinator +46 46733209845,
Yngve Cerenius, Project Coordinator +46 46709997941,
Jesper Andersen, Sicence Director +46 46702169296,

Facklig kontakt
OFR/S: Rita Nilsson +46 46 2229362,
SACO: SACO-s-rådet vid Lunds universitet +46 46 2229364,

Lunds Universitet

Lunds Universitet
Box 117
22100 LUND

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 046-2220000


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