Research eng. (spec. proj. empl.), dep. Sensor and Actuator Syst

Linköpings universitet / Fysikjobb / Linköping
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Linköping University

Hereby advertises a position as Research engineer (specific project employment) at the department of Sensor and Actuator Systems (SAS).

This is an opportunity for an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) to undertake research in the framework of the project "FoodSmartphone: Smart phone analyzers for on-site testing of food quality and safety". The ESR will be funded for 2 years by the prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative European Training Network (MCSA-ITN-ETN-2016) programme. The contract will support the research and training objectives of the FoodSmartphone project.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work in the context of: "Lab-on-chip devices for smartphone imaging Surface Plasmon Resonance (iSPR) detection" (ESR9). (

The ESR is expected to be an active member of the ODL team, assisting in the research and training activities within the project scope aimed to meet overall FoodSmartphone research objectives.

As an ESR you will be mainly devoted to your research, without teaching duties, and bound to take related courses and soft skills training (for 30 ECTS credits).

The main goal of the research is to investigate lab-on-a-chip devices for smartphone imaging Surface Plasmon Resonance (iSPR) detection for food quality and safety targets (ESR9). This project will involve the development of low cost advanced reusable accessories to temporarily transform smartphones into iSPR analytical instruments and the use and development of 3D printing techniques to customize chips and disposable coupling optics.

Conduct specific research in 3D printed optics and Lab-on-chip devices for smartphone imaging Surface Plasmon Resonance (iSPR) detection for food quality and safety targets (ESR9).

Undertake mandatory industrial placements (secondments) as required at different European partners involved in the project as deemed necessary to complete the project.

Actively participate in training activities and commit to complete 30 ECTS in courses.

Prepare regular progress reports on the performed research and training activities and present the research outcomes at bi-monthly meetings, at annual project workshops, and to external audiences once approved by FoodSmartphone Supervisory Board.

Study and follow the technical literature including academic papers, journals and textbooks to stay actualized in the project subject.

Record, analyze and produce written reports of the results, and contribute to the production of publications.

EU Marie Curie ESR criteria apply:

The candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Sweden for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the selection for this post.

Candidates should be in the first four years of their research career and not have a doctoral degree.

We are looking for someone:

With a master degree or equivalent in electrical engineering, applied physics, engineering physics, or compatible background.

Knowledge of optics, optical design, lab-on-a-chip, additive manufacturing, CAD, Matlab programming or analytical chemistry are advantageous for this position.

Evidence of interest in the subject of this position. (Provide motivation letter with your application and CV).

Verifiable verbal and writing communication skills in English. (Provide TOEFL certificate or equivalent).

Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, ability to communicate clearly and to interact with colleagues and staff.

To be able to conduct mandatory secondments in other organizations throughout Europe for defined periods, and to travel to programme meetings and conferences.

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For more information

Linköping University will continue to develop as an attractive and creative place of work, characterized by equal terms and actively works for equality and diversity.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Linköping university has framework agreements and wishes to decline direct contacts from staffing- and recruitment companies as well as from vendors of job advertisements.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid/ Ej specificerat


The University applies individual salaries. Please indicate salary demands in the application.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2018-11-08
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Linköpings Universitet

Linköpings Universitet
Linköping University
58183 Linköping

Linköping University


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