Professor of Computer Science - Applied Artificial Intelligence

Högskolan i Borås / Högskolejobb / Borås
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At the Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT, education and research are conducted in Library and Information Science, Informatics, and Educational Work. The Department of Information Technology has more than 25 employees, three Bachelor's programmes, and one Master's programme in informatics. The department has a successful research environment in information technology with several significant externally funded projects, for example in data-driven innovation and service development, intelligent data analysis, and IT service management. The department also has strong collaborations with the business community in both research and education, including through the newly launched Techarena Borås.

Job description

The Department of Information Technology (IIT) is seeking an experienced and driven Professor of Computer Science to develop cross-disciplinary research and education in the field. The professor we are looking for will also work to develop strategies for the area's environment, and lead an active and successful computer science research group with a particular focus on applied artificial intelligence supported by high-performance and distributed systems. The position is based at IIT with a particular focus on developing the elements of computer science in the department's education and research. The research is carried out in projects in computer science with a special focus on artificial intelligence with applications in the region's business community.

The existing research environment in the field is characterised by close collaboration with the surrounding industry and a high proportion of externally funded projects. In this role, the recruited professor is therefore expected to be a driving force in the further development of the research environment by initiating and leading work on applications for external research funding. Furthermore, it is assumed that there will be active work with the funding of doctoral students, one's own research, and scientific publications. Building relationships with the surrounding community is a natural part of the work, as is collaboration with other institutions nationally and internationally. The role also requires close collaboration with departmental colleagues, research group leaders, area and scientific leaders and students.

Duties also include supervising students and teaching in the department's courses. The teaching is mainly in advanced software development based on computer science principles, especially programming in different languages and environments with a focus on applied artificial intelligence. The tasks also include participation in pedagogical development, development of course material, development of courses, and certain other administrative tasks. Other tasks include the development and planning of education, mainly at the Master's and doctoral levels, and educational administration.


For information about the qualifications, please see the full ad at our webpage:

Type of employment: Permanent employment. A six-month probationary period may be applied.
Employment rate: 100%
Start date: As agreed upon
Position location: Borås, Sweden
Registration number: PA 2023/21


For further information about the position, please contact Head of Department Hannes Göbel by phone at +46 (0)33-435 42 70. Trade union representatives are Magnus Sirhed, OFR-ST and Maria Ferlin, Saco-S; they can be reached via the university's switchboard at +46 (0)33-435 40 00.


You can apply for the position via our website by clicking on "Apply."

Write clearly in your application which position you are applying for and include the applicable reference number. A complete application should include the following electronic documents:

• Cover page/personal letter with brief reason for your application where the position and subject area applied for is stated
• CV (overview list of education and work experience in chronological order) with reference contact information and desired salary
• Merit portfolio according to the University of Borås's guidelines (Template for merit portfolio in PDF format)
• Copies of relevant degree certificates substantiating how you meet the requirements for the position
• Copy of documentation of completed doctoral supervisor training
• Any certificates documenting completed training in teaching and learning in higher education
• Publication list
• Relevant scientific publications cited in support of the application (maximum of 10)
• Copies of relevant certificates/grades/documentation substantiating how you meet the requirements for the position

More information for you as an applicant can be found on our Job vacancies page: How to apply for a job with us

Contact HR at if you have scientific publications that cannot be attached electronically directly to your application. Such publications must be received by the university no later than one week after the application deadline. After the application deadline, no additions can be made electronically.

Please submit your application by midnight 30 September 2023 (CET, Central European Time).

For the university, it is a matter of course to work for sustainable societal development throughout our operations and to work to promote diversity, equality, and accessibility. More information about the University of Borås and what it is like to work here.

The university as a workplace means employment with good conditions and benefits. Our modern campus is located in the city centre within walking distance of the main train and bus station, thus offering good commuting options. More information about terms of employment and career paths.

We kindly decline contact with advertisers and staffing companies in this recruitment.


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Högskolan i Borås ( 202100-3138),


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