Product Development Manager Nordic

Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag / Marknadsföringsjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag i Stockholm, Solna, Järfälla, Sollentuna, Täby eller i hela Sverige

text-align: justifyAs Product Development Manager at Global Blue your focus is to work on the delivery of the company's technical projects that are related to front end solutions (POS, Terminal, PMS, :) and to secure that the strategy of Global Blue is followed in each project world wide. You have a good understanding of the current payment and POS industry and the ability to see new trends, analysis of competitors and being aware of future demands.
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text-align: justifyYou are going to work closely with the Merchant Sales Organisation and ensure that the existing portfolio of products is deployed in the respective areas. You are also going to work with external stakeholders and develop and agree upon technical concepts and commercial arrangements with these partners and fully manage agreed projects from an end2end perspective.
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text-align: justifyYour base will be in Stockholm but the service will include traveling the Nordic region, the Baltics and Benelux and sometimes outside the region if needed. As product manager you will drive and motivate project teams and ensure that projects are delivered within time and according to the standards of Global Blue.
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We are looking for a person with technical education or a technical background from terminal industries, card companies or banks etc. Experience from testing or coding is an advantage. You will be working in an international company for a central function with cross-functional tiers so you must be fluent in English and experienced in managing clients from different countries.
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text-align: justifyDo you believe you have what it takes? Apply now by sending your application and CV via ref nr SE-03232. Questions are answered by Mercuri Urval on 08-617 11 17. For more information see file:///M:/Documents%20and%20Settings/405046mawa/Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/OLK1/
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Ange följande referens när du ansöker: SE-03232
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Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag

Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag
BOX 55703
11483 Stockholm


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