Postdoc in research policy

Lunds Universitet / Samhällsvetarjobb / Lund
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Lund University is the largest university in Sweden with education and research within technology, natural science, law, social science, economy, medicine, humanities, theology, art, music and theatre. The university has around 39 000 students and 5 500 employees mainly in Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg. The university is one of 14 universities within the Öresund University and co-operates with hundreds of universities and research centres all over the world.
Lund University declares the following position open for application:
Postdoctoral research position as researcher (‘forskare’), 2 years in research policy, with special focus on the evaluation of research and innovation policy, full time, placed at Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE).
Ref nr: PA 2008/1712
Starting date: According to agreement
CIRCLE is an interdisciplinary research centre of excellence spanning several faculties at Lund University and Blekinge Institute of Technology largely funded by VINNOVA, the Swedish Research Council and the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission.
CIRCLE is becoming one of the largest centres of its kind in Europe with more than 30 researchers. A detailed description of CIRCLE’s research programmes as well as the CIRCLE Annual Reports can be found at
CIRCLE wishes to invite suitably qualified applicants for a postdoctoral position as researcher within the area of research and innovation policy studies with special focus on the evaluation of research programmes. The holder of the position will be expected to carry out research in a research group which includes policy analysts at the Research Policy Institute and at CIRCLE.
Description of the research area
The rise of the �evaluative state� and the redefinition of the role of higher education and research in society have increased the importance of evaluation as a steering mechanism for research and innovation policy. In conjunction with evaluation-led steering, there is an increasing trend towards funding research programmes with broad goals over longer periods. The holder of the position as postdoctoral researcher will be expected to conduct research on the role of evaluation of such public programmes for research and innovation. We are specifically interested in candidates who would like to focus on issues relevant to the design, implementation and utilisation of evaluations. A focus on cross-national or comparative studies is of particular relevance.
The position and the tasks
The announced position is for full time employment at Lund University. This position as postdoctoral researcher is limited to two years. The initial employment is limited to one year, but can be prolonged to two years.
The tasks associated with this position are primarily research activities. The postdoctoral position as researcher announced entail research for 75 % of full time. For the rest of the time, the holder may attract external funding for additional research and/or teach – in English or Swedish – at CIRCLE or at other centres and departments at Lund University. (CIRCLE operates in English, and most courses offered by CIRCLE are also taught in English.)
Please see the full advertisement and how to apply at


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Full time/2 years

Fast lön
Individual salary

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2008-08-20
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: Pa 2008/1712
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Mats Benner, Director of the Research Policy Institute, 0705 222 118,

Lunds Universitet

Lunds Universitet
22100 LUND

Box 117

Telefonnummer: 046 222 00 00


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