Operativ inköpare

Emerson Network Power / Inköpar- och marknadsjobb / Luleå
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Visa alla jobb hos Emerson Network Power i Luleå

Arbetsplats: Data Center project

Beskrivning av arbetsuppgifter:
Emerson Network Power are looking for a Buyer and Site Logistics Manager for their data center project in Luleå. The Buyer and Site Logistics Manager will manage the purchasing transactions/operative relationships with the suppliers and with the help of two subordinates manage the incoming materials and local logistics on the construction site. The Buyer and Site Logistics Manager are responsible for translate purchase needs to completed purchase templates, request/track supplies confirmations and manage goods receipt transactions.

Beskrivning av kvalifikationer:
You have minimum 3 years of experience from operative purchasing and ERP systems and intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and SharePoint internet based principles. You have a good command of English. You have an ability to plan, set priorities, organize and coordinate work with others. You are communicative and builds good relationships with managers and executives. You are good at planning and managing work of others and you are persuasive, assertive and can effectively handle stressful situations and an approach that simplifies procedures.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
The Buyer and Site Logistics Manager will be based in Emerson's site in Luleå. The project assignment are from June 2015 to April 2016 with good possibilities for continued employment within Emerson Network Power.



Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-05-11
In this recruitment we work together with Cesab Executive Search. For more information and application please visit Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan or contact Researcher/HR-administrator Emma Strandberg, 0920-52 38 22.
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: Märk ansökan med titel
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress: cv@cesab.se

Cesab Rekrytering AB, Emma Strandberg 0920-58 38 22 emma.strandberg@cesab.se

Emerson Network Power

Emerson Network Power
Box 92113

Textilgatan 29

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 0920-94145
E-postadress: cv@cesab.se


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