Nordic Channel Marketing Lead TV

Bemanningsstyrkan i Rosersberg AB / Marknadsföringsjobb / Stockholm
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Nordic Channel Marketing Lead TV

As a Nordic Channel Marketing Lead you are a highly important part of the wider marketing team, working with a 360 degree mindset. Your most important job is to take our marketing strategy and turn it in to opportunities and activities with our retailers and customers. You are driven by the wish to maximize impact of all our campaigns, ensuring we are leading the visibility and collaboration with retailers. You thrive on turning strategy in to action, maximizing digital presence and together with the marketing team ensure all products within the Samsung TV range are seen and communicated in the right way.
You will be working closely with our KAM/Sales Management for selected customers, and understanding their business and the needs of our customers is crucial. Sales are at the essence of everything we do, and we believe in sales and marketing being a tight knit team.You will be placed in our Nordic headquarter in Kista. Your key accountabilities:
• In alignment with overall marketing direction, set the strategy for your accounts to maximize impact as part of the 360 funnel
• Implement and drive the marketing plan together with retails and KAMs
• Integrate and engage Samsung and our offers in every Customer > Shopper touch point
• Deliver best in class digital experience with the retailers
• Set up and deliver digital engagement, campaigns and presence
• Analyse campaign performance and drive learnings to grow further with the retailers
• Deliver customer sell-out growth in value and growth of in-house share (online and offline)
• Maximize Samsung share of voice in Customer advertising
• Create, negotiate and execute sell-out activities related to sell-in commitments for TV secured by the Nordic KAM.
• Understand the business strategy for your dedicated customers with the ability to adapt our offers to their core target audience and shopper strategies
• Together with the full Marketing team, secure optimal investment and mix of activations for given product groups and customers
• Full budget ownership of all channel activities in the Nordics
You will be working with:
• Category Marketing team to develop plans and activities that fit the overall marketing strategy and goals of TV
• Retail Marketing team to align instore activities and communication for your customers
• Key Account Managers to form plans for sell-out maximization
• Key Account Managers to set the omni-channel strategy and secure optimal investment and mix of activations for given product groups and customers

Krav, erfarenheter och färdigheter

As a Nordic Channel Marketing Lead you are a highly important part of the wider marketing team, working with a 360 degree mindset. Your most important job is to take our marketing strategy and turn it in to opportunities and activities with our retailers and customers. You are driven by the wish to maximize impact of all our campaigns, ensuring we are leading the visibility and collaboration with retailers. You thrive on turning strategy in to action, maximizing digital presence and together with the marketing team ensure all products within the Samsung TV range are seen and communicated in the right way.
You will be working closely with our KAM/Sales Management for selected customers, and understanding their business and the needs of our customers is crucial. Sales are at the essence of everything we do, and we believe in sales and marketing being a tight knit team.You will be placed in our Nordic headquarter in Kista. Your key accountabilities:
• In alignment with overall marketing direction, set the strategy for your accounts to maximize impact as part of the 360 funnel
• Implement and drive the marketing plan together with retails and KAMs
• Integrate and engage Samsung and our offers in every Customer > Shopper touch point
• Deliver best in class digital experience with the retailers
• Set up and deliver digital engagement, campaigns and presence
• Analyse campaign performance and drive learnings to grow further with the retailers
• Deliver customer sell-out growth in value and growth of in-house share (online and offline)
• Maximize Samsung share of voice in Customer advertising
• Create, negotiate and execute sell-out activities related to sell-in commitments for TV secured by the Nordic KAM.
• Understand the business strategy for your dedicated customers with the ability to adapt our offers to their core target audience and shopper strategies
• Together with the full Marketing team, secure optimal investment and mix of activations for given product groups and customers
• Full budget ownership of all channel activities in the Nordics
You will be working with:
• Category Marketing team to develop plans and activities that fit the overall marketing strategy and goals of TV
• Retail Marketing team to align instore activities and communication for your customers
• Key Account Managers to form plans for sell-out maximization
• Key Account Managers to set the omni-channel strategy and secure optimal investment and mix of activations for given product groups and customers

Vad kan vi erbjuda?

Bemanningsstyrkan är ett personligt företag där vi alla är kollegor oavsett var vi har vår fysiska arbetsplats.
Vi kan erbjuda dig runt trettio kollegor som är placerade hos Samsung och i normala fall är din konsultchef är på plats minst två gånger per vecka för att hjälpa dig med frågor och funderingar.
Just nu under pandemi-tider så arbetar alla på Samsung hemifrån efter upplärning och dina möten med din konsultchef sker digitalt.

Vi erbjuder marknadsmässig månadslön, friskvårdsbidrag och allt som ingår i vårt kollektivavtal.
Utöver det så har vi regelbundet gemensamma sammankomster där alla från Bemanningsstyrkan träffas.

Känner du att ovanstående stämmer in på dig och att du vill bli en del av Bemanningsstyrkans team så tveka inte att skicka in din ansökan.

Platsen ska tillsättas omgående och uppdraget sträcker sig tom 30 april 2023 med stor möjlighet till förlängning.

Intervjuer sker fortlöpande.

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan som ska innehålla:

• ett cv på engelska
• ett personligt brev på engelska
• ett startdatum/information om eventuell uppsägningstid
• ett löneanspråk

/ Therese Barvell Rappel

Konsultchef Bemanningsstyrkan

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltidsanställning Start omgående och minst till och med 30 april 2023 med möjlighet till förlängning.


Friskvårdsbidrag samt övrigt som finns i vårt kollektivavtal

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-04-25
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Bemanningsstyrkan i Rosersberg AB

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Bemanningsstyrkan i Rosersberg AB ( 556780-5212)


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