Lead Product Strategist

The Techno Creatives / Logistikjobb / Göteborg
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The Techno Creatives launch and develop both projects and ventures together with the industry. We take-on projects that has the possibility to disrupt complete markets by innovative thinking combining design, technology and business. Our teams includes world class serie-entrepreneurs, business leaders, corporate strategists, designers and developers with the courage to put products to the market that will impact every day life. We are true pioneers within every new industry we are challenging.

We seeks extra ordinary people to live and breath innovation together with us, our clients and our portfolio ventures. Now we are seeking a Lead Product Strategist to one of our companies within our venture portfolio.

We are getting ready to launch and scale our venture Bokio, a financial empowerment startup, ready to transform the entrepreneurship in Europe. This startup is well positioned to disrupt the EUR50 Billion EU market for financial and administrative services for small enterprises. Introducing cutting edge technology and design thinking into an industry sucking for innovation. Our solution reimagines the way entrepreneurs run their company administration by introducing a digital bookkeeper, in an effort to help entrepreneurs to instad focusing on their core business and at the same time enhance their financial position without any knowledge in economy or administration. The service is there to fulfil the need of an bookkeeper without paying a singel penny on it. That's what we believe innovation is all about. Combining business logics and design with technology and monetisation to develop a pure customer market fit.

We are looking for an hungry Product Leader who will be part of the executive leadership team of this disruptive startup and own the end to end product strategy and product management. The Product Leader will be a hands on builder who take overall responsibility for the continuous product development. The Product Leader sets the agenda for the design and development teams on how to to continuously ship and improve the product vision based on data-driven decision making and strategic thinking about what makes a difference for the end result.

• Act as the primary product owner, defining and managing the product backlog, including implementing the product roadmap with clarity on prioritisation, feasibility, time and cost. Create product development work plans and roadmaps for releases while defining, monitoring and reporting on product KPIs.

• Lead and cultivate a high-performing multidisciplinary product team to ensure the delivery of a product market fit. Responsibilities covers from work process to scoping, design, concept testing and delivery to data driven decision making through on-going analytics.

Apply by sending us your personal letter stating what you can do for us, and your visual portfolio stating your current experience level to: jobs@bokio.se

We are seeking a Product Leader with a broad skillset spanning from technology, strategy, business planning, user experience design and agile development practices. With an entrepreneurial drive to develop mind blowing products. The ultimate success of a Product Leader lies in their ability to guide the team to ship the vision of the product.

• Product Management experience leading a product team
• A demonstrated and focused curiosity of how to build products and services that customers will embrace
• Excellent sense of functional interface design, allowing you to work seamlessly with UI/UX design
• Proven track record of building successful products from the ground up
• Fluent in agile development methodologies
• A diligent attention to detail and strong technical intuition
• Strong analytical skills with an emphasis on data-driven decision making

The Techno Creatives launch ventures and take-on projects that has the possibility to disrupt complete markets by innovative thinking combining design, technology and business. Our teams includes world class serie-entrepreneurs, business leaders, corporate strategists, designers and developers with the courage to put products to the market that will impact every day life. We are true pioneers within every new industry we are challenging.

Bokio is part of The Techno Creatives venture portfolio and sits and executes in our premises. Bokio is a financial empowerment startup, ready to transform the entrepreneurship in Europe by introducing a digital bookkeeper.

• International and interdisciplinary teams working hands on with development of the future products for the world's leading companies
• Studio in the heart of Gothenburg, Sweden, with roof top, climbing gym, maker space, events and constant exchange in the Gothenburg tech, design and startup scene

Varaktighet, arbetstid
We are looking for a Lead Product Strategist to be employed in our venture company Bokio.


Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-08-01
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: PL-BOKIO

The Techno Creatives

The Techno Creatives
Geijersgatan 1B, 5tr
41134 Göteborg

Geijersgatan 1B, 5tr


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