Junior modelling analyst

Sweco AB / Datajobb / Stockholm
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Swecos energikonsulter erbjuder tjänster inom alla led av energiförsörjningskedjan. Målet är att hjälpa kunderna att utveckla en kostnadseffektiv och miljömässigt hållbar energiförsörjning.

Do you have a thirst for innovation, a passion for complexity modelling, an interest in energy market modelling and a bit of a geek spark in you?

Sweco Energy Markets is looking for a talented junior modelling analyst to join our growing team of analysts.

As a part of our modelling team you will be a driving force behind the inception of new model-based solutions, as well as the development of a widely used suite of electricity market models and analysis tools. You will also work closely with other analysts on a variety of studies, and meet with our clients to help addressing real-world challenges.

We would like you to have a solid background in numerical analysis and programming. We also value if you have some experience with some of the topics we use in our daily model development and analysis:

•           Simulation/optimization models

•           Statistical analysis and data visualization

•           Programming in a language of your choice, and the willingness to work with C++, Java or Python.

•           Databases and big data

•           Software architecture and algorithm design

•           Cloud computing

•           Machine learning

•           Agent-based modelling

Does this seem like a long list? Don't worry, these are not requirements, you don't have to be an expert in everything on this list. Once you join our team, we'll make sure to fill in the blanks.

About Sweco Energy Markets

Sweco Energy Markets offers qualified analysis- and advisory services related to energy markets. We are driven by a will to improve the functionality of the markets by delivering insights and advice on market design, market analysis, regulation, commercial issues and business and organizational development. In our assignments we work with private and public clients in Sweden and internationally. We value diversity in our team, as we believe that creates a more stimulating and rewarding environment.


Send us your CV, and tell us a bit about yourself, your goals and your passions!


For questions, please contact Fadi Bitar, e-mail: fadi.bitar@sweco.se , tel: +46-8-6956405

Sweco is an international consulting group with combined expertise in consulting engineering, environmental technology and architecture. Sweco has around 9000 employees in 12 countries and has a recorded annual sales of approximately SEK 9 billion. The company has projects currently underway in some 80 countries worldwide. Sweco is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-07-15
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Gjörwellsgatan 22 100 26 Stockholm
10026 Stockholm

Gjörwellsgatan 22 100 26 Stockholm

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