Java Cloud-Native Engineer Consultant

Diabol AB / Datajobb / Stockholm
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We are looking for a person with a growth mindset and a passion for development, who wants to be a part of our team of expert consultants.

At Diabol, we act as a strategic partner to our clients where we assess their needs and deploy consultants that can make a strategic impact. Our success lies is having a strong-knitted and diverse team, characterized by technical excellence, quality of work and passion for software development.

As a Java Cloud-Native Engineer you will develop and deliver quality code for our clients, while constantly looking for potential improvements. In this role, you lead with example and get to implement the latest technologies and engineering practices.


• Minimum of 3 years of industry experience within software development
• Strong Java development skills (Java 8 or later) with experience in Spring Boot or Dropwizard
• Experience with any of the major cloud providers (AWS, Azure or Google Cloud Platform)
• Experience working with Continuous Integration and/or Continuous Delivery
• Understanding of test-driven development, extreme programming (XP) paradigms and clean code
• Knowledge of a major build tool (such as Maven or Gradle) and database migration tools (such as Flyway or Liquibase)
• Understanding of distributed computing and microservice oriented architectures
• Understanding of Lean and Agile software development methodologies
• Professional working proficiency in English

Desired skills

• Experience working as a consultant
• Experience with container technologies (such as Docker, Kubernetes or Mesos)
• Experience with monitoring tools, logging infrastructure and tracing frameworks
• Knowledge of any other contemporary programming language (such as Go, Kotlin, Javascript, Python, Scala or C#)
• Knowledge of a scripting language (such as Bash, Groovy, Python, Ruby or Perl)

In both 2017 and 2018, Diabol was recognized as a "Gasell Company" by Dagens Industri, due to our fast growth and strong financials over the previous four years. This is your opportunity to join one of Stockholm's most exciting consultancies!

Feeling ready to apply?

Do not hesitate to send in your application today!

If you have any questions regarding the position or the recruitment process, feel free to contact Peter Ferm (Talent Acquisition), at

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-06-26
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Diabol AB

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Diabol AB ( 556684-1564),



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