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Göteborgs universitet / Högskolejobb / Göteborg
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Kort beskrivning av företaget: See more info on the University of Gothenburgs homepage job opportunities. https://www.gu.se/english/about_the_university/job-opportunities/vacancies-details/?id=2474
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Titel: Senior lecturer in Nursing with a specialization in person centred care

Beskrivning av arbetsuppgifter: SUBJECT AREA DESCRIPTION: The subject of nursing develops the knowledge about health and having a good life despite the presence of illness and/or disability. Another development area in nursing is the knowledge about a peaceful and dignified death. In nursing, it is not the illness nor the disability, but people's experiences, interpretations and reactions to the illnesses and diseases that form the focal point. Person centred care implies that the treatment and care of a patient is based on the fact that he/she is a person with different pre-requisites, abilities and resources as well as with different obstacles and needs. Research and teaching in person centred care is conducted at the Centre for Person Centred Care (GPCC), which is a national interdisciplinary research centre. Around a hundred national and intemational researchers from different scientific disciplines are collaborating with GPCC. Research in nursing and medicine is the focus of the GPCC although it includes representatives from almost all the faculties at the University of Gothenburg. Around 40 research projects are currently in process involving person centeredness in various long-term illnesses and the organisation of care. JOB ASSIGNMENTS: Activities include teaching, course coordination, supervision and the distribution of summative assessments mainly in person centred care but teaching on a first and second cycle level in nursing and within the third cycle may also be included. The mission as a course coordinator implies developing and coordinating learning objectives and activities, summative assessments and evaluation criteria in relation to content, purpose and current pedagogical research as well as quality assurance of the education using validated evaluation methods. Furthermore, the candidate is expected to make active efforts towards achieving the institution's goals, work in accordance with the business plan and participate in planned joint meetings and activities at the institution. T he successful candidate is also expected to actively initiate and apply for externa! research funding. The applicant is expected to teach in Swedish.

Beskrivning av kvalifikationer: ELIGIBILITY:The qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3-4 of the Higher Education Ordinance. Pdh degree, shown pedagogical skills and qualification as a registered nurse. ASSESSMENT: Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3-4 of the Higher Education Ordinance. The first assessment criterion is pedagogical skills. The second assessment criterion is scientific skills. Useful qualifications are teaching experience and current research along with clinical experience from the area of person centred care. Experience from person centred care, management or involvement in applications for external research funding, supervision of degree projects or equivalent provide useful qualifications for the position. Experience from international research or teaching is an advantage. A proven ability to cooperate and show flexibility in collaboration with lecturers and students, along with administrative skills are all useful qualifications. The candidate is expected to teach in Swedish. The successful applicant may also be asked to complete an educational program within the first year of employment.

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Tillträde: By agreement

Typ av anställning: Vanlig anställning
Erfarenhet: Erfarenhet krävs
Varaktighet: Tillsvidare
Arbetstid: Heltid

Övrig information beträffande


: The employment is a full time permanent post

Löneform: Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön

Övrig information beträffande löneform:

Övriga villkor:

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Löneform: Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
AG referens: PAR 2018/639
Andra uppgifter: See more info on the University of Gothenburgs homepage job opportunities. https://www.gu.se/english/about_the_university/job-opportunities/vacancies-details/?id=2474 KONTAKTPERSONER
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Funktion: Head of Department
Namn: Ingela Lundgren
E-post: ingela.lundgren@gu.se Telefon: +46 31 786 60 52

Funktion: Section Manager
Namn: Helen Elden
E-post: helen.elden@gu.se Telefon: +46 31 786 23 59


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Annons fr.o.m: 20180504
t.o.m: 20180528

Övriga upplysningar: OBS! Vänligen skicka orderbekräftelse till: Jenny Lundin - jenny.lundin@sahlgrenska.gu.se tel. 0766-18 35 75 Tack! Med vänlig hälsning Pernilla Kramer

Varaktighet, arbetstid

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Sista dag att ansöka är 0001-01-01

Göteborgs universitet

Göteborgs universitet
Box 100

Universitetsplatsen 1


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