Growth & Marketing Internship

Voi Technology AB / Marknadsföringsjobb / Stockholm
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This is a paid internship opportunity

Most of all we're looking for someone with hustle. Someone who is quick to learn and isn't afraid to try new and crazy ideas. There's no requirement for experience with online marketing, "growth hacking" or similar - but obviously those things are a plus.

Right now we're looking for someone to do a big push, with the chance to keep working with us going forwards - either as full time or part time on the side of studies.


Boost growth as fast as humanly possible ;-) You'll work with accelerating customer growth across all channels (including SEO, paid, content, social, media). This includes designing ads (copy + images), managing social media accounts.

You'll be working in Analytics, Adjust, Adwords, Facebook/Twitter, Excel and continuously improving the marketing of our company.

Help to develop the marketing playbook. We're a startup that's experimenting with various marketing tactics. You'll be instrumental in generating ideas, testing, documenting, and optimizing the marketing activities so that we establish a framework as we scale.

Monitor and optimize performance. We'll work with you to set, track and improve customer acquisition and activation targets so that we grow at the pace we'd like to and use our time and spending wisely.

Email marketing. Generate, analyze, and interpret data for email campaigns. Manage creating and scheduling of content and email deployment.

You think globally. The world is larger than Stockholm. You've probably travelled or at least want to travel in your life. If you speak foreign languages that's a big plus.

You're interested in new technology. Bitcoin excites you, although we don't expect you to be an expert in any way.

You're a self-starter with hustle. You're not afraid to break rules, and ask forgiveness instead of permission, and you definitely don't need anyone to tell you what to do.

You're creative and can think of new ways of doing things. You're probably good with words as well.

You are organized and like having clear metrics - the one number that you track - and watch it go up as a result of your work.

You love reading about and trying new ingenious growth tactics .


Experience isn't everything - hustle, being quick to learn and working hard is more important. Attitude beats experience every time and culture eats strategy for breakfast.

No-one will have all of these, but here are some qualities or experiences we value:

Online/growth marketing, analytics
Basic math skills. Academic math skills is preferred (business, engineering, etc).
Excel (it's a bonus if you've used tools such as Google Analytics, Mixpanel).
Basic programming, if you can implement your ideas yourself in HTML/CSS/JS that's a plus.
Design work, have used photoshop or sketch

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid Anställningstid enligt överenskommelse


Lön enligt överenskommelse

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-05-11
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Daniel Dudek +46 (0)704 0704 34

Voi Technology AB

Voi Technology AB
Warfvinges väg 34
11251 Stockholm

Warfvinges väg 34, Stockholm


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