General developer, including Hardware and Embedded.

Humans Since 1982 AB / Elektronikjobb / Stockholm
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About Humans since 1982

A warm welcome to Humans since 1982. We are a contemporary art and design studio that engages beyond traditional definitions of art, design and technology. Our products, in particular our best-known series' ClockClock and A million Times, are wall-hung kinetic artworks that deliver a unique and iconic experience.

Based in Stockholm, Human since 1982's international team of 13 highly motivated and energetic individuals. Together we transform ideas and experimentation into tangible, high-quality products. Most of the technology is developed and assembled in-house by our team, and your future colleagues. Our production lines are based within our Slakthusområdet studio. ( / ( ( / (

Job Description - General developer, including Hardware and Embedded.

This is a rare occasion when we are hiring into a development role. We are looking for a developer with a broad range of skills to join our team for many years. You will be our key ARM developer for our STM and ESP devices, you will also do some RISC on our ATmega-based projects. You will design and redesign PCBs. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, this job is not for you.

Beyond this. You are an experienced engineer. We don't consider your experience in "years" for a specific thing. You are passionate, structured, and energetic. You have great ideas and the know-how to communicate them effectively. Above all, you are interested in all things technology.

The role you are applying for is to develop and improve our three main product lines: A million Times, ClockClock 24 and ClockClock 9. To date, we have produced and shipped over 1000 clock based works all over the world. They are designed to satisfy our customers for decades. Delivering these products often feels like launching a small space mission. While we have been in business for over 12 years, we are recently beginning to scale up the company's commercial side.

Your first year in with us will see you involved in many small projects, such as:

• Design and implement new hardware features, or migrate features from one product to another.
• Redesign all/ part of a board because the chip crisis means some components are no longer easy to obtain.
• Rewrite the RTOS library to integrate a new feature or fix a bug.
• Optimize the way that a server debugs to Syslog or implement a cloud service
• Clean up, or rewrite a simple JS-based WebGUI.
• Add minor features to our flutter app, or assist the design team in supervising contractors to perform redevelopment work.
• Add features to our internal clock simulation software
• Workshop/ assist our support staff in deep root-cause analysis.
• Handle first-line support for a few weeks a year when others are on vacation.

You will also be involved in the planning and evolution of our product lines to match our future business. This is a great time to jump on board and be a part of growing a small business to a medium-scale enterprise. You will get front-line hands-on experience in understanding the challenges of deploying and scaling a complex, electronics product.

In the long run, we intend expand our product portfolio and engage in several collaborations with other artists and businesses, such as our Ikea collaboration in 2021. For these new exciting projects, you are likely to play a key development role.

We are in no hurry to hire someone for this position. So take your time and make your application stand out. Show your attention to detail by putting humanssince1982 backward at the beginning of your CV. If you pass this stage, we will then send a more detailed test to complete in your own time. (Typically 2 to 10 hours and will include both PCB design and MCU coding). Following this will be at least 2 rounds of interviews.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-10-16
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Humans Since 1982 AB

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Humans Since 1982 AB ( 556905-3928),

Humans since 1982

David Cox
+46 70 068 01 16


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