
Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet / Apotekarjobb / Göteborg
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Visa alla jobb hos Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet i Göteborg

Sahlgrenska akademin utlyser doktorandplatser med placering vid institutionen för biomedicin, institutionen för medicin och institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi.
Doktorandplatserna avser två års utbildningsbidrag och två års doktorandanställning, alternativt fyra års doktorandanställning, och beräknas leda fram till doktorsexamen.
För mer information och ansökningsblankett se: randplatser
PhD Projects at Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology
G213 3296/10
Population pharmacokinetic/-dynamic modelling of antimalarial treatment
Application deadline: 2010-09-21
Description of the research project
Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) models are simplified pictures of the reality but can be used to characterize the relationship between drug concentrations and therapeutic outcome over time. Such models are built on data from the literature and experimental observations. Once a model is validated it could be used to predict clinical situations without putting any patients to risk. Modeling can thus be used to estimate and describe observational data, but also for hypothesis-generating purpose. In addition, a PK/PD model can be used in clinical trial simulation to explore experimental designs, dosing strategies, optimal sampling schedules or the application of various statistical models.
The overall aim of this project is to develop the use of PK/PD modeling in the optimization of antimalarial drug treatment. The work will be focused on model building and how a general mathematical model could bridge the knowledge about malaria we have today. Furthermore, examples will be given how in silico simulation with such a model could improve the quality of clinical trials. Using real data, the findings will be used to illustrate how modeling and simulation might enhance clinical drug development and the selection of therapeutic regimens, limit resistance development, quantify cost-effectiveness and, in extension, provide a tool for policy making.
The modelling process will be supported by clinical trial data provided by collaborating groups in disease-endemic countries.
Desired background
It is desirable that the candidate has a background in either the pharmaceutical sciences or in engineering. Further, experience with PK/PD modelling and/or simulation is desirable as is previous exposure to NONMEM software.
For more information about the project, please contact main supervisor Michael Ashton,


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-09-21
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: "Ref nr G 213 3296/10"
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet

Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet
Box 400

Medicinaregatan 3

Telefonnummer: 031-7860000


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