Data Protection Officer (DPO) to PostNord Strålfors!

Postnord Strålfors AB / Datajobb / Solna
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Visa alla datajobb i Solna, Sundbyberg, Stockholm, Danderyd, Lidingö eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Postnord Strålfors AB i Solna, Stockholm, Upplands Väsby, Sigtuna, Alingsås eller i hela Sverige

Do you want to be part of creating an impression in a digital transformation in a Nordic technical communication company by working with compliance initiatives? In that case, you should keep reading!

About the role

In the role of DPO, your main responsibility will be to drive, lead, maintain and follow up Strålfors Nordic GDPR work and Framework.

This includes setting our Nordic ambition level.

It will be a part of the role to ensure local compliance within the DPO area together with local country DPO's where available. This also covers and being single point of contact for the Country Data Protection Authorities for those countries without a local country DPO.

As DPO you will be involved as expert giving advises on implementing new processes and ways of working and advises on when a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) needs to be performed and how it should be performed.

Examples of tasks

- Establish a group strategy for Personal Data Protection
- Review new laws and regulations, and implement changes in processes related hereto
- Ownership of DPA agreements in use, including eventual deviations allowed
- Act as single point of contact to Data Protection Authorities
- Collaboration with PostNord Group on the DPO area
- Support local countries and/or functions in review of processes and controls
- Plan and perform training of colleagues in GDPR related areas

Your team

You will join forces with a team of 1 manager and 3 skilled colleagues who has the same passion as you, to make things better. Our team are responsible for the compliance strategy in PostNord Strålfors covering Norway, Sweden, Finland and Demark. We have individual areas of responsibilities but will be working closely together as each of our areas has dependencies.

About you

If you can say yes to you being structural, ambitious, commercial, and positive - then you could be the person we are looking for. We are looking for a college who wants to make a difference and that believes compliance and personal data protection is absolutely business essential.

We think that you 're an independent, self-starting person with structured working approach. You are used to take responsibility with an ability to work both in teams and independent. At Strålfors, we encourage self-leadership by being Responsible, Brave and Committed and these are qualities that we value.

Competence requirements

- Master Sc. Law degree in a relevant area and at least 5 years practical experience
- Proven success in driving large and complex projects
- 3-5 years documented knowledge in working with Information Security, GDPR and/or Legal
- Working and assessing Risk Assessments
- Working and assessment of personal data/DPIA
- Proven knowledge in implementing, develop and maintain laws, standards, and procedures
- Proven knowledge in implementing new processes
- Good knowledge in MS Office
- Auditor experience would be considered a plus
- Knowledge in training and performing training would be considered a plus
- Fluent in English, both written and spoken

We offer you

A full-time job, working with creating a better company and working with great colleagues.


Stockholm, Alingsås, Malmö or Ljungby

Are you interested?

Are you the one we are looking for? Do you want to be involved in the Compliance of the future at PostNord Strålfors? Then hurry to apply!

Contact Martin Nyberg, Chief Compliance Officer, at e-mail or on phone +45 2929 8200

We look forward to receiving your application!

Read more about PostNord Strålfors at

PostNord Stralfors utvecklar och erbjuder kommunikationslösningar som ger företag med många kunder och leverantörer helt nya möjligheter till mer personliga och starkare kundrelationer. Vi erbjuder en digital plattform som möjliggör sömlös kommunikation oberoende av vilken kanal mottagaren efterfrågar. Fokus för arbetet är att skapa en positiv upplevelse för våra kunders konsumenter.

PostNord Strålfors ingår i PostNord-koncernen, den ledande kommunikations- och logistikkoncernen i Norden. PostNord Strålfors har verksamhet i fyra länder och har cirka 700 anställda och en omsättning på drygt 2 miljarder (2020).

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100. Tillträde: Enligt överenskommelse Tillsvidareanställning



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PostNord Strålfors AB

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "2021/64".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

PostNord Strålfors AB ( 556102-9843)

PostNord Strålfors


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