Chef för teknisk infrastruktur

BomanKerer Rekrytering AB / Datajobb / Ospecificerad arbetsort
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The company is an innovative and rapidly expanding Nordic gaming company. Their mission for more than 40 years has been to create enjoyment and entertainment that enrich people?s lives by offering land-based, shipboard and online monetary games in a safe and socially responsible way. They operate in a dynamic and highly competitive market with the ambition to grow the company into a leading international gaming entertainment company. In 2009 the company turned over ?96.1 million with a profit of ?3.3 million. The group has over 400 employees in Mariehamn, Helsinki, Stockholm, Tallinn and Madrid.
We are looking for a person who is responsible for the technical operations of as well as for the long term development of our server and network infrastructure. You are responsible for creating and executing the budget and business plan for Systems Tools unit. You are also working as management?s right hand in server and infrastructure related matters, and you are part of the department?s management group.
Expected from a successful candidate
3+ years experience as a team leader
6+ years of IT technical background; System administrator background is a benefit
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Be ready to travel 1-2 days a month
Experience of agile practices and/or operational processes is a benefit
Experience with hardware and license purchasing is a benefit
Är du intresserad av att höra hur det Åländska samhället fungerar och hur det är att bo och arbeta i skärgården?
Är du redo för en ny utmaning och vill vara en del i en redan framgångsrik organisation?
Då kan du höra av dig till oss så berättar vi mer!
Läs mer och ladda upp ditt CV genom att följa länken: (Head of Systems and Tools)


Arbetstider och omfattning

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2011-04-29
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: Chef Teknisk Infrastruktur
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Boman John, Rekryterare,

BomanKerer Rekrytering AB

BomanKerer Rekrytering AB
19142 Sollentuna



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