BioMAX beamline postdoc

Lunds Universitet / Högskolejobb / Lund
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Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world's top 100 universities. The University has around 44 000 students and more than 8 000 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

MAX IV is a Swedish national large-scale research laboratory hosted by Lund University. It provides scientists from Sweden as well as internationally, with state-of-the-art instrumentation for research in areas such as engineering, physics, structural biology, chemistry and nanotechnology. Fully developed it will receive more than 2 000 scientists annually, conducting ground-breaking experiments in materials and life sciences using the brilliant X-ray light.

BioMAX is the first macromolecular crystallography beamline at MAX IV.

It started user operation in 2017. BioMAX is a state-of-the-art beamline with high performance x-ray optics and control systems. It is geared towards high-throughput protein crystallography and it can handle conventional MX experiments as well as microfocus applications. See also: BioMAX is operated by the international and interdisciplinary BioMAX-team, which is part of the MX group. The MX group is also developing MicroMAX, a serial crystallography beamline for studying protein dynamics and it manages a crystallographic fragment screening facility at MAX IV, FragMAX.

Would you like to work at the brightest lightsource in the world?

The MX group is looking for a postdoctoral scientist who enjoys working in an international and creative environment to join the BioMAX beamline team. You will be involved in an in-house project to develop room temperature data collection facilities at BioMAX. The project involves different aspects, from development of data collection strategies, research on radiation damage mitigation and sample environment to the development of data collection pipelines for handling multi-crystal partial data sets. User support will be an important part of your activities. The MX environment will provide opportunities for collaborative work at the frontiers of the field

Your main work tasks will be

- Participation in in-house method development research and internal and collaborative science projects in the field of macromolecular crystallography.
- Shared responsibilities for operation of BioMAX in close collaboration with the team of scientists and engineers of the MX group and MAX IV staff and the support (technical and scientific) of external users during their experimental beam time.
- Dissemination and education activities directed to MAX IV users and the wide MX community.

To be successful in this role you need to have the following qualifications

- PhD or equivalent in Physics, Chemistry, or another field relevant to the beamline.
- Documented research activities using chemical or macromolecular crystallography, or of crystallography methods development.
- Demonstrated ability to work in a team, but also an ability to work independently.
- Good communication skills, and an excellent command of English, both oral and written.

The qualifications below are seen as merits

- Experience in operation and use of instrumentation for protein crystallography experiments at either synchrotrons or XFELs is a significant merit.
- Extensive experience and knowledge in the use of crystallographic software is a significant merit.

As a person you are ...

- Able to work well with other people, relate to them in a sensitive way and to listen, communicate and solve conflicts constructively.
- Interested in helping others and striving to deliver solutions.
- Thorough and well aware of goals and standards of quality.
- Creative, with an innovative way of thinking which can be put into practice and which leads to results.
- Capable of analysing complex issues and solving complicated problems.

What we offer
When you join our MAX IV family, you step into a world of front edge science. We make the invisible visible by supporting scientist from all over the world, generating scientific results for the benefit of society. We offer you a multicultural work environment with great opportunities for personal development with respect for a healthy work-life balance.

Would you like to work in a challenging and supporting environment? Then join us and take the opportunity to make a real difference!

For further information, please visit:

Terms of employment
This is a full-time, fixed-term employment of a maximum of 2 years. The period of employment is determined in accordance with the agreement "Avtal om tidsbegränsad anställning som postdoktor" ("Agreement on fixed-term employment as a post-doctoral fellow") between Lund University, SACO-S, OFR/S and SEKO, dated 4 September 2008.

Please see also the announcement for a BioMAX beamline scientist position. We accept applications for both positions from the same candidate.

On call services may apply in the future.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset. We kindly decline all sales and marketing contacts.

To apply, please click the button "Login and apply"

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100%. Tillträde: As per agreement Visstidsanställning


Monthly salary

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-08-15
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Lunds Universitet

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "PA2021/1627".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Lunds Universitet ( 202100-3211)

Lund University, MAX IV , MX group


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