Attribute Leader Weight

Blue Eye AB / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Göteborg
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Visa alla jobb hos Blue Eye AB i Göteborg, Trollhättan, Vänersborg eller i hela Sverige

Blue Eye offers creative solutions through engineering expertise. We carry our experience and knowledge with the best professionals in different disciplines to offer optimal solutions to our clients.

As an employee or a sub-contractor, working within the Blue Eye family, we encourage you to share your ideas and experiences. This enables our teams to increase their knowledge and deliver high quality product development as well as strengthen our competitiveness as a company.

This is a 6 months assignment with automotive customer in Lindholmen with option for longer contract.

• Drive the development in working with weight. Develop ways of following up weight status and how to present it. Create routines and tools to make the weight follow up more automatic and time efficient.
• Set complete vehicle target based on relevant competitor benchmark.
• Break down complete vehicle weight target to design areas (PSS area) level targets.
• Communicate targets and request agreement from PSS areas.
• Continuously follow up and collect weight status for each design areas.
• Summarize all PSS areas status to a complete vehicle status based on platform and top hat
• Present weight status at project reviews.
• Help PSS areas to find potentials to lower weight of included components.
• Arrange weight reviews to with each PSS area to find weight potentials.
• Support to design departments with guidance of design proposals, development of specifications, concept selections, supplier evaluations.
• Report of status to Team Leader for Energy Efficiency, Head of Energy Competence Centre
and Project Leader.
• Report status at Project meetings, Design reviews and Attribute reviews.

• Bachelor of Science or similar experience from assignments within the working life.
• Detailed knowledge in automobile design and its components and content.
• Experience from weight performance development, execution and analyse of weight results.
• Knowledge of requirement setting for weight.
• Knowledge of factors and other attributes that affect weight as an attribute
• Ability to handle complex calculations with several factors contributing to the result.
• Knowledge of weight nomenclature such as Gross vehicle weight, Curb Weight, Weight
Classes etc.
• Preferable if the consultant has experience from working within VCC organization.
• Experience from working in Team Centre.
• Experience from work in large Excel files, capability to create macros, pivot tables and statistic presentations in Excel.
• Experience from working in A2Mac or other Automotive Benchmark tools.
• Fluent in English both written and spoken. Knowledge in Swedish is favourable.
• Good understanding of customer needs

As a Blue Eye employee, you are not just one of many, you 'll be part of our family.

We believe that the happier you are at your work, the better performance you 'll have. We achieve this through constantly and carefully listening to the needs of each of our employees.

For Blue Eye the most important thing is our employees, therefore we give constant training in different topics, as well as constantly looking for benefits that actively increase employee satisfaction.

We always have challenging assignments waiting for skilled and dedicated engineers, so we invite you to join the team and be part of our family.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100%. Tillträde: 2021-06-25 Visstidsanställning


According to agreement

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-06-25
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Blue Eye AB

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "2021/18".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Blue Eye AB ( 556985-5520)

För detta jobb krävs körkort.



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